Big Tension On Manisa 07/01/2009
There has been a big tension in Manisa, Selendil for the past seven days. There are different explanations about reasons of the tension. In anyways the situation in Manisa is pretty calamatious. Since the new year evening all the incidents got worse and has become to a very bad end; a big group of local people ( between 1000-5000 there are different rumors about the number ) attacked to Gypsy people who have been living in the same neighbourhood for the last 35 years. Group stoned the Gypsies’ houses and burned the cars.
According to the different news about the incidents ; on new years eve a young Gypsy wanted to enter to a cafe with a cigarette in his hand ( smoking is banned inside the buildings) and the owner of the cafe didn't let him to enter. And a group from the cafe also reacted to the Gypsy man as well. But in late evening news one of the TV Channells NTV in Live Newspaper program had an interview with the actor of the incident, the young Gypsy man B. Uçkun made an explanation which was totally different than the other news. Uçkun said that the owner of the cafe didn't let him to enter the cafe by saying that " I don't have tea for Gypsies". And Uçkun claimed that when he responded to the cafe owner him and some other people attacked to him.
Again Uçkun claims the day after the incident the same group attacked to his neighbours and relatives and that incident raised the tension. And Uçkun’s relatives claimed that the group attacked to the Gypsies with a 1000 group of people and this group gathered together with municipality’s announcement. After that Manisa Municipality Mayor Nurullah Savaş clarified the situation and he said municipality made an announcement to control different groups which were gathering for another attack to the Gypsy neighbourhed, and this way they tried to reduce the tension in the neigbourhood.
After all these incidents B. Uçkun’s father had a heart attack and died. Security forces prevented some other possible violent incidents. In the interview Uçkun family said " Attacker group was manipulating the group by saying " beat the Gypsies, beat the Gypsies" and they attacked to us. Aren't we Turkish Republic citizens ? we are citizens of this country. When they came we called city military forces and they came and saved us. God bless them, they saved our lives. " Security forces had to ask for other neighnourd's help and so they could save the Gypsies from the attacks.
On December 30th night, after the argument between the cafe owner R. Y. and young Gypsy man B. Uçkun were taken to the custody and when Uçkun heard about that he had a heart attacked and died. After that Gypsy man’s relatives went to the cafe and protested the cafe owner. After that on January, 5 2010 a big group of people attacked to the Gypsy neighbourhood. Luckily only a few of the Gypsies were injured phsycally but there were lots of material damage after the attacked. Security forced prevented a possible bigger losses and dispersed the demonstrators.
After the incidents 76 of the Gypsies from the neighbourhood are taken to the under protection of security forces and they were temporarily moved to another neighbourhood Gördes for security reasons. After the incidents they were living in tents.
After all these incidents Turkish representatives Ali Koyuncu and Nursuna Memecan who contrubited very much to the happening of 1st Turkey Roman Workshop called the officers and got information and they also asked related officers to help Gypsy families whose houses and cars were damaged.
Roma Claim Fields 02/02/2009
About 150 citizens, in the district Ipsala, Edirne, claiming they have been treated unjustly gathered in front of the government mansion to discuss with the authorities.
Claiming that they have been treated unjustly when the list of farmers who are supposed to be distributed the 4 thousand 700 decar land is suspended, Huseyin Akcin who is one of the farmers said that they will call their rights. Akcin, who mentioned about the tough conditions they have been working in, said: “We do the rice carrying recently. Fields are not given to us. They come here to visit us and leave 1 ton of coal and some food for us to content ourselves with. We want our rights.” Hamdi Filiz, a rice carrier, said that distribution of the land is made unjustly and some people were privileged during the redistribution. Romans went back their homes after discussing the issue with the Ipsala District Governor Mehmet Ali Gürbüz.
The relevant statement by the District Governor Mehmet Ali Gurbuz goes as following: "The Land Reform District Office did what is required by laws. Nobody was privileged. I cannot say that Roman citizens are right of wrong. Everything was done within a legal framework.
Roma Meeting with the Prime Minister in Abdi İpekçi 15/03/2009
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan The Prime Minister of Turkey and Gypsy community of Turkish Republic met in Abdi İpekçi Sports Center today. Meeting was planned as a part of Roma Workshops.
There were many different groups from different cities in Abdi İpekçi on Sunday, March 14th at 13.00 for this meeting. Many different Gypsy foundation delegates from different institutes came to the meeting; 5 buses from Kağıthane Yahya Kemal and its hinterland, 2 buses from Gültepe, 2 buses from Kuştepe, 7 buses from Çatalca, 3 buses from Mimarsinan and 10 buses from Silivri total 29 buses from İstanbul, 25 buses approximately 1000 people from Edirne, 30 buses approximately 1200 people from Kırklareli, 4 buses approximately 150 people from Şarköy came to Abdi İpekçi for this meeting. There were also many people from Sakarya, Muğla, Konya, Kahramanmaraş, Bitlis, Antakya, Tekirdağ and other cities as well. Also there were representatives of the Dom, Lom and Teber/Abdal groups. According to the participants some money between 10-100 TL as carfare and lunch boxes were given to all participants for this meeting.
Eleni Tsetsekou from Council of Europe / Open Society Institute, Elmas Arus the director of the Roma documentary “Buçuk”, Ivan Ivanov the director of European Roma Information Center made speechs at the meeting. Elmas Arus impressed the audiences with her emotional speech. Also the state minister Faruk Çelik who manages Roma Community Projects shared his ideas with the Roma community with his speech.
The Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan talked about “exclusion” problems of Roma people in his speech. Erdoğan impressed Roma people with his examples and saying that “Nobody is a “half person”* in this country”. He also gave an important part to urban transformation in his speech and also said that there will be buildings for 100-150 TL for a month to be paid for 20 years for Roma people. And the prime minister also claimed that these houses would be ready in 1,5 year and this news gained very much attention within the audience. Many of the participants got very excited by the Prime Minister's promise about urban transformation but also some of them were worried about having similar problems with some other people who had problems in the past and they said that they expect local autorities to give more information about their projects.
Sulukule Roma Orchestra with Ümmiye, Balık Ayhan, Ahırkapı Roma Orchestra took stage during the meeting. There was a group from Manisa Selendi who put up a poster referring to Selendi incident and saying “ We won't forget January, 5th”* and caused emotional moments within the audience.
Sarigol Roma Association Founded 09/04/2010
Sarıgöl Roma Social Assistance and Solidarity Association has started its life with a grand opening.
Gaziosmanpaşa Municipality Mayor Erhan Erol, administrators from different political parties joined to the opening ceremony and local residents showed great interest on the opening. Also cheif of the neigbourhood and head of Rom-Der Cemil Atmaca gave their support to the institue administrators.
The head of the association Şadi Çatı said that their goal is minimize the possible problems which could happen in urban transformation and continued : “ This neigbourhood has never been reprensented for long years. “ We have found many missing points in the previous urban transformation experiences. Firstly we don't want our houses to be touched, but if we can not be success to stop the transformation, we will be working on minimizing the possible problems.” Çatı also said that they have enough power to interfere this happening actively and explained their goal as being the real willpower of Sarıgöl.
Çatı said that their goal is not only gathering the residents during the destructions and continued : “ We want to overcome all possible negative situations and we won’t be deceived with the politics which look as if they are usefull for us. And about the urban transformation Çatı said “ we don’t want to leave our neighbourhood but we want rehabilitation in place.He also added that the “buildings won’t give us freedom.”
Mayor of Gaziosmanpaşa Municipality Erhan Erol said that Romas are the most valuable stones of Gaziosmanpaşa and he promised that they won’t do anything that residents don’t want to be happen in Sarıgöl. Erol congratulated all the contributors who helped with the opening of the association and he also said that “ our goal is to provide the best life conditions as possible. We will build sample city sites and people will start to live in these apartments. There won’t be any destructions without residents’ allowance. As the mayor i promise you that what we will be doing here is going to be for your benefit and you will see that.”
One of the members of Gaziosmanpaşa Municipality Urban Transformation Department Onur Soytürk made explanations about urban transformation plans. Soytürk said that they haven’t completed their projects yet but “ as Gaziosmanpaşa Municipality we don’t want any of the residents to become victims. We are working with sociologists and city and regional planners. We support rehabilitation in place and project will happen in a long term. Soytürk also said that as the Municipality they describe this urban transformation project as “socio-culturel change”; “ We are doing some statistical researches in the region. We will be using these datas to prepare vocational courses for the residents. These courses will be obligation for the residents. Soytürk also said that their main goal is “to build the social peace among inheritors.”
Kaynak: Cingeneyiz İstanbul
Erenler Is Calming Down 04/05/2010
The tension following the conflict in Sakarya has dropped to a large extent with the mediation of the governor of Sakarya and the Mayor of Erenler. The residents of Sakarya were irritated by the way that the incident was presented in the media. Various
speculations were made on how the events in the evening of April 29 in Yeni Mahalle district in Erenler, Sakarya might have been taken place. Below, we present all the available claims in order to provide accountability journalism and leave you to decide yourself on how the real events might have been occurred.
Why did it happen?
According to one information, the conflict started with the assault of a non-Roma citizen against a Roma girl. Later on, M.K. heavily injured 7 people with his shotgun during an argument where Roma were also involved. A second claim suggests that M.K attacked to those who verbally abused M.K.’s wife with a shotgun. Yet another source reported that, the events that led to 7 shotgun injuries occurred subsequent to the attack of the district inhabitant to M.K. Following the incident, right after the news was presented by the media, a verified information indicates that M.K. had an argument regarding the children throwing stones to his window with his neighbors during the day. It is suggested that he insulted the children because they were making too much noise as they pass his house. His temper at this point further heated the tension up. Although neighbors helped calm the tension, the arguments inflamed once again in the evening and the children’s relatives came to M.K.’s house for a fight. M.K. who lost his temper started randomly shooting at the crowd with his shotgun. M.K. was eventually transferred to another district by the police force, which came to the scene after the incident had taken place.
The tension in the neighborhood was calmed on the 2nd of May following the visit and counseling by Sakarya Chief Constable Ali Bilkay, governor of Sakarya Hüseyin Atak ve Erenler Mayor Cavit Öztürk. The district residents agree that the mediation of the authorities and the leading figures in the district, especially the president of Roma Association Orhan Tanyeli’s efforts calmed the conflict down and that the incident should not have be exaggerated as it had been in several media releases.
The segregation of “Roma and Citizen” in the media
Including the national newpapers, the mode of the language used in media was rather disappointing. Even the well-known media with otherwise tolerant attitude towards such situations put a distinct separation between the terms “Residents and Roma” or “Roma and citizens” in the press releases reminding of some racist Balkan press. The fragments in news such as “Fight between Roma and citizens!”, “Citizens complain against Roma” made one think whether Roma were in fact recognized as citizens by the media. The fact that the ethnic origin of the group has been specifically pointed in this particular conflict irritated the locals, as it is not costumed to mention the ethnic origin of parties in such news. The residents of the district note that they do not want the “Roma” name to remind “fight” or “tension”. The specialists express that the variety of speculations and the biased presentation of the conflict is against journalism ethics. We hope that the conflict in Erenler would completely end at this point, especially after the mediation of the authority, and would never happen again. We believe that our media, the authorities and the residents, what ever their ethic origin might be, have many lessons to learn from this incident.
Source: Cingeneyiz Sakarya
Sample Behaviour From The Serdar Neighbourhood 11/05/2010
In The Serdar Neighbourhood in Kocaeli, a drug addicted citizen named C.K. has decided to get rid of this situation thanks to the persistent efforts of the Kocaeli Roma Association President Fehmi Acar and the people of the neighbourhood.
On 2 May 2010, upon a group of young people coming from the outside of the neighbourhood in order to find addictive substances asked the Roma youth of the neighbourhood to how to get drug, Roma youth immediately reacted, and after emphasizing that they cannot accept the treatment for drug dealers, they wanted the outsiders to get away from the neighbourhood. Surprised by the determination of the young people, the outsiders left the neighbourhood in a short time.
Getting informed about the issue, the association president Fehmi Acar gathered the residents. Firstly, he celebrated the young people one by one who behaved in the way that suits the Roma people, then he summoned the young man C.K. known as a drug addicted. Acar told him that his behaviours violated the name of all Roma society, moreover he indicated that he should not use drugs in no way and he should never make a connection with the people who benefit from the weaknesses of young people, otherwise they as the residents of the neighbourhood would develop an attitude towards him.
C.K. said that he would take into account the warnings of the residents of the neighbourhood and Fehmi Acar and he would do whatever he can do in order to get rid of drug addiction. Besides, he agreed to be treated for drug addiction in AMATEM. The Roma Association President Fehmi Acar pointed out that they take saving the young people abused by some dodgers as their duty and they are determined until the end of this issue.
Now, C.K. is starting off with a clean slate. We celebrate the residents of Serdar Neighbourhood and the Roma Association President Fehmi Acar for their sample behaviour and invite all our brothers and sisters to fight to remove this black name beside Roma people.
Source: Cingeneyiz Sakarya
12 Roma Association Will Found a Federation 27/05/2010
A total number of 12 associations including Eskişehir, Düzce, Adapazarı, İzmit, Pamukova, Altınova, Bursa and its towns have announced that they will found a federation.
The heads of the associations who state that they represent 250 thousand people in total declared that the solutions to the problems of the Roman society can only be found by combining the power of the associations. The associations which state that the biggest problems are unemployment and illiteracy said that the unemployment rate in some regions reaches up to 95%. The heads of the associations who believe that the most of the problems will be solved by settling the unemployment issue also reported that they are producing projects to identify and solve the problems. However, expressing that the authorities don’t take much interest in the projects, the heads stated that that’s why they will increase their power by founding a federation.
Association authorities who spoke in the meeting shared their ideas about Romans’ being employed in areas such as Music, Construction, Agriculture, and Stock-breeding. Orçun Zolun, the head of Bursa Roman Culture Research, Improvement, Aid, and Solidarity Association, who gave the final speech emphasized that they are ready to work with all the NGO’s and Social Institutions for solving the problems of the Romans who are not able to work in local administrations and for their employment. Zolun also stated that they will do their best for the federation to function the most efficiently.
Fehmi Acar, the head of Kocaeli Roman Culture Research and Solidarity, who spoke to, said that they take the model of EU’s Presidency as an example for their association structure. According to this, every year the head of a different association is to be the federation president. Acar said that they believe that a more democratic regulation can be achieved in the federation this way. Fehmi Acar’s proposal, supported by the heads of the other associations, is believed to play an important role in structuring the federation.
We as wish success to the Federation of Marmara Roma Associations.
Source: Cingeneyiz Bursa / Cingeneyiz Kocaeli /
Young Roma Culture and Solidarity Association Established 21/06/2010
The Young Roma Culture and Solidarity Association of Kuşadası has been established in May with a magnificent ceremony. Erdoğan Pişkin has been chosed as a chairman of the organization. Beside it, Onur Seyran has been assigned as secretary and Taner Erkıvanç has been assigned as bookkeeper. On the other hand, Emrah Taş, Hakan Seyran and Şevket Keser have shared bord member roles with each other.
The chairman, Erdoğan Pişkin, gave a briefing to explain The Roma Association's acitivities for future and about the aim of founding this organization. He emphasized that the aim of this organization is to combine the young Roma people, give them some trainings about social and cultural activities, arrange some concerts, theatre, maintain cultural trips for them etc.. He emphasized that the main purpose of this organization is to intoduce Roma tradition to all over the world. Moreover, the organization aims to find suitable jobs for Roma young people. To supply this, the organization is contacting to some officiall government organization like Employee and Employment Detection Organization.
We wish all the best for The Young Roma Culture and Solidarity Association.
Steel Pot Comes Up, Tinners Go Down 30/06/2010
Living in Malkara, Hacıevhat District, Erenler region, approximately 30 house of people have many problems… The biggest problem tinners have is the unemployement issue they have encountered after their traditional profession became unvaluable.
Almost all of them, the ancestors of tinners, living next to each other in their small houses in Hacıevhat District, came to Turkey from Salonika, Drama region. After invention and mass production of steel pot, their traditional profession as tinners lost demand and this fact put these craftsmen and hardworking people on the spot. Tiner who have expressed that this situation was the biggest reason behind their most important problem of unemployement are recently engaged with seasonal work fields longing for their craftsmanship times.
They make their living through selling the coal pieces which are the leftovers of coal-carrying excavation trucks in winter time. In summer, most of them camp near villages and work in the fields. Some of them move to Şarköy and work as public porters with their relatives. Tinners of Malkara are not happy with their current occupations. They Express that they used to earn a lot more when they were tinners. Nearly all of them claim that if it was possible, they wpuld go on with their original and traditional profession.
Tinners no longer prefer their traditional transportation vehicle; horse cars. Fort he purpose of carriage, they use swat cars with a water engine on four wheels. Their loyal swats carry them from one olace to another where they work.
The tinners are troubled; these wonderful people who hope to find a solution to their unemployement problems express their issues with bashfulness. Tinner women explain that they cannot benefit by social relief programs and they highlight that in spite of all their efforts tehy cannot solve their existing problems and they wait for the authorized people to help them. In truth, it is impossible not to acknowledge that women/men, old/young, all these people struggle to survive in extremely bad conditions.
A considerable part of the children cannot finish their elementary education. With the current situation of the young generation, the level of illiteracy among old people is not surprising. In one hand unemployement and in the other hand educational impossibilities and the lack of communication with other societies, tinners feel alienated and isolated from society. While a little part of the regional people can communicate with different sections of society, a considerable part of the tinners of Malkara spend their lives only with their families, they live and work with them.
Their biggest expectations are to live in peace with their neighbors and, the most important of all, to getr id of the problem of unemployement into which they are drifted by losing their traditional profession thanks to which their ancestors made a living. Our tinner brothers continue to support themselves with temporary jobs, altough hand to mouth, on the other hand they wait for a friendly support.
Source: Cingeneyiz Tekirdağ
Thrace Roma Associations Consortium To Be Founded 07/07/2010
Last week, in a meeting held in the offices of the Edirne Roma Association Federation, it has been decided that a Thrace Roma Associations Consortium will be formed.
President of the Lalapasa Roma Association, Mustafa Taşdeviren is expected to serve as the president of the Thrace Roma Associations Consortium, whose founding meeting took place in June 28-29. The consortium, whose vice presidents are reported to be Lüleburgaz Rom-Der President Mustafa Gölce and Rom-Der President İbrahım Sünbül, will have EDROM President Erdinç Çekiç as secretary general.
Roma in Edirne had taken the first step towards forming an association in 2004, by founding the association called Edirne Association for Researching and Developing the Gypsy Culture and Solidarity and Support (EDÇİNKAY). The mission of the association was to enable the Roma living in Edirne to organize and to campaign against the existing prejudices against gypsies in the community. EDÇİNKAY has decided to continue to work towards this mission under the name of EDROM (Edirne Roma Association), after a name change it underwent in 2006.
In February of 2006, 11 Roma associations, by gathering under one umbrella, founded the Roma Associations Federation (ROMDEF). The federation, which was founded with the aim of providing a united means of movement for Roma associations enabling them to produce strong policies, consists of Lüleburgaz Roma Association, Tekirdağ Muratlı Roma Association, Tekirdağ Malkara Roma Association, İzmir Contemporary Roma Association, Mersin Roma Association, Adana Roma Association, Keşan Roma Association, Ankara Roma Association, Bartın Roma Association, Lalapaşa Roma Association, Balıkesir İvrindi Roma Association, Kırklareli Roma Association, among others.
Thrace Roma Associations Consortium, which was founded by a team that gained experience through their work with EDROM and ROMDEF, is expected to accomplish many important tasks. The Consortium, whose founding procedures will soon be complete, is considered to be one of the most important examples of the recently popular process of unifying associations under one umbrella.
Gypsies of Turkish Republic Protests Sarkozy 26/08/2010
France's deportation of Roma Gypsies and racist terrorist attacks existing in Balkan countries will be protested with the participation of various organizations representing Gypsies and non-governmental organizations sensitive about the issue in Istanbul, Istiklal Street. Activity is supported by Federation of Istanbul Roma Associations, Sulukule Platform, Zero- Discrimination Association, Travellers Association Club of Turkey.
It's said that organiser of the activity is planning to give a strong support message to Roma Gypsies who are being deported from France and who are attacked by racist terrorist organizations. Many citizens react to what happens is expected to participate the event.
Date: August 26, 2010
Location: In front of the French Consulate-İstiklal Street
Time: 11:00 pm
Black Wreath on France Consulate of Istanbul 27/08/2010
Organizations who protests France's deportation policy and racism raising all over the Europe place a black wreath on France Consulate of Istanbul. Citizens participate the activity with a high degree.
Both Gypsies and the other citizens sensitive about raising racism participated to the activity planned by Zero Discrimination Association, Federation of İstanbul Roma Associations, Sulukule Platform, Association Club of Travellers of Turkey. After press statement, a black wreath was placed on France Consulate of Istanbul to protest deportation policy of France and racist terrorism raising all over the Europe.
Press Statement
We gathered here to protest against racist wind blowing around Roma in Europe and especialy in France. Sarkozy openly say that they are deporting Roma beause They don't like behavior and culture of Roma. As we gather here today, poor Roma are being taken to the border crossings. France government deported around 29000 immigrants in 2009. Roma is one of the deported populations with 10000 people. They are being forcefully displaced. Sarkozy has threatened to revoke passports of the Roma who got French citizenship. France government closed 51 camps where Roma living in the last three weeks. It's said at least 300 camp will be closed until the end of the October. Roma are being discriminated not only in France but also in various regions of Europe.
Well, which policy of Europe Union is suitable with these practises realized by the countries already joined Europe Union? We appeal to European Union here!
The European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights, Chapter 45 Freedom of Movement and Residence Article, "every citizen of the Union has the freedom to live in the member states and to move freely with in the territory of the country " says. It prohibites deportation in 19th article and discrimination in 21th article. In 22th article it says "European Union citizens' cultural, religious and linguistic diversity will be respected." So how can it be, members of the European Union, Bulgaria, France, Romania classify Roma of the European Union as 2th class citizens? How can that be possible immigrants, homeless pregnant women are dispossessed and being groveled. How can it be possible founding of armed organizations to "clean" Roma people in a member state of the Europe Union, Italy and how can it be possible hunting of Roma on streets equally to Nazi period. Now, Italy declared that they will deport Roma Gypsies on September 6 taking heart from France's policy about Roma.
Roma houses are being burned in Hungary. 150-foot walls are being built in front of the Roma neighborhood in Slovakia. All these countries are members of The Europe Union. We appeal to the European Commission here: warn leaders who are planning racist policies! Stop Racism! If you can not stop them, you should cancel membership of these countries who are realizing racist policies toward Roma communities.
We, as Roma, pacifists and human rights activists of Turkey, appeal to world Roma. We accompany them in all circumstances. We appeal to them with a poem of Rom Poet:
If you are sad, Gypsy;
say a cherful ballad;
And if you are hapyy;
say the same ballad again!
Zero Discrimination Association
Federation of İstanbul Roma Associations
Sulukule Platform
Association Club of Travellers of Turkey
Roma Houses were Evicted in Aydin 23/09/2010
Roma people lived in social-house dwellings for almost ten years reacted to be evicted from the houses.
During the demolition of 16 social-house dwellings in Aydın Ilıcabaşı Neighbourhood owned by Special Provincial Administration, there was a short time tension between officials and Roma reacting to be evicted. Roma people emhasised that they were living in social-house dwellings as a result of having nowherelse to live. They also said that being homeless is a big trouble these days in conjuction with the winter is so close.
As the deputy chef of Aydin Police, Mehmet Kılıç told Roma they will be paid some money as housing benefits by the governorship, People let officials to demolish their houses. Houses were demolished after taking of the furnitures by the Roma people.
It's said that a fully equipped shopping center will be builded on the area social-house dwellings existed.
Latest News About the Selendi Event 27/09/2010
Prosecutor of Selendi had started an investigation about the Selendi Event completed the criminal charge. 80 people get into the event were offered to be received imprisonment for various crimes between 3 and 150 years.
It was said that the event existed last winter derived from not lettting a young Gypsy man to drink tea in a coffeehouse by the owner in conjuction with the young Gypsy man's ethnic identity. However The coffee house owner and some neighbourhoods from Selendi claimed that responsibility of the event owned to the young Gypsy man who want to smoke even smoking is forbidden indoor with laws. There were a big tension after the event and Gypsy families had lived in Selendi for many years were obliged to leave Selendi. Firstly they were settled to Gördes County of Manisa.Than they were sent to to an other County of Manisa, Salihli. According to comments of Gypsy families were suffered from the event a group from Selendi was provocated against Gypsy families with untrue claims just like "Gypsies attacked to mosque, Gypsies cursed to the God, the Flag, the Goverment" by unknown provocateurs.
The criminal charge about the Selendi Event were completed by the prosecutor making investigation about the event. The prosecutor watched all videos about the event. There are 80 suspects, 74 cleiment and 3 people who are both suspect and cleiment. The suspects could be seen in the videos not only damaged furnitures and houses of Gypsies. They also used some sayings just like "Let's kill Gypsies" "Send them from here". Suspects were charged with damaging property, provocating people to hostility against others and holding an unpermitted demonstration. The suspects were asked to be received imprisonment between 3 and 150 years.
According the criminal charge prepared with police paperworks, videos taken at the event by police and videos taken by tv channels, the event existed in that way: A crowded group using sayings just like "They must go from here or we, as people, will do what it's needed. Selendi is ours and it will be ours. Gypsies must leave here. Let's attack, Let's exile Roma. Gypsies are cursing to our mosques, our religion, our wife, our daughters, we don't want them to live here. Let's kill them, let's burn their houses. Don't let these dishonest people to live here. They are Gypsies... They are stoling." came to the neighbourhood The Gypsy had been living and started to burn and rectify houses of the Gypsies at 2010 January 5 around 20.00.
The crowded groups damaged cars of the people living in Gypsy neighbourhood with stones and rods. People who didn't have life security during the event were taken to gendarmarie station under police escort. Leaving of the Gypsies didn't change anything. The group continue to attack houses, tents and cars. Police officers and the district governor of Selendi, Selim Palamut tried to stop the group.
Some people walking infront of the group said to security forces "never try to stop us, people are too angry" and damaged house of a citizen named E. Ç. Some people shouting as "They will go from here, or we will do what is needed. Let's fix their vagons." tried to provocate the group with the slogan "Hit Gypsies". It was also surprising that a person with a blank firing gun said to a police officer "Are you tring to make me afraid? Nonsense, your gun is empty" after the word "they must go from here, they are damaging Selendi" targeting to the Gypsies. An other suspect seen in the videos were saying to security forcess "Why are you saving them? Let people to hit Roma, to kill Roma. Gypsies will go from here."
Writing of the criminal charge of the Selendi Event by the prosecutor make people more trusting to the justice. Everybody is now waiting for the case result. Expectation of all citizens is justice to be done.
Source: Radikal
ROMDER: Thanks Ajda Pekkan
President of ROMDER, Cemil Akmaca made a press statement about latest news. Akmaca condoles with baby Zeynep injured from her legs and her family lost some of their relatives in the explosion existed in Hakkari. Here is full text of the press statement:
"We were really sorry when we heard about the happenings from news. A minibus was attacked rascally, people died. Three months baby Zeynep injured from her legs. Some of her relatives lost their lifes in the terrible event. God rest their souls. We wish baby Zeynep a speedy recovery and hope her never to see again this kind of events for all her life. Ajda Pekkan, a famous singer, visited baby Zeynep acting sensitively. This is an example behaviour. Pain of the baby Zeynep is ours. Thanks Ajda Pekkan and all people been sensitive about this incident.
On the other hand, we want to recall an other event. There is an other baby Zeynep. Honorable authorities, honorable performers! Hey people of my country! There was a demolition in my neighbourhood in the concept of urban reorganization. An other Zeynep, a six months baby; only girl of a family living in tent after demoliting of their house; freezed to death in the tend her family lived. Nobody came to condole with her family. Nobody came and share our pain. Why? Is it because of being a Gypsy of baby Zeynep?
We want no baby Zeyneps to die or injure. We want them to live in happiness."
200 Evler End Up in Court 05/10/2010
The case presented about Roma People moved from 200 Evler neighbourhood to new houses builded by the municipality in 264 Evler neighbourhood in Samsun Canik postponed to October 21 for listening witnesses. The case is presented on the account of the fact that Roma people are not able to pay installments for the houses.
The president of Roma Culture, Solidarity and Cooperation Association of 264 Evler, Samim Yanar made a press statement after lawsuit of the case. Yanar said population of Roma people living in the neighbourhood is around 2000. He emphasized that they were asked to move from their slums in 200 evler neighbourhood to new houses builded by the municipality and to sign an agreement without keep informed well about circumstances. He also added that they were sometimes forced to move.
Samim Yanar evaluating the issue said that: "We present a case not to leave the new houses builded by the municipality. We were happier before when we were living in our slums. We were together with residents there in cheer. They told us that they will give us ownership of the new houses if we accept to move. However they are trying to evict us from the new houses now. So, we both lost our houses and our happiness."
Municipality officials evaluating the issue emphasized that they are trying to comply with the term and conditions. Claim of 264 Evler residents about the eviction process is not true according to the officials. They also said that the installments were not be payed for a long time and they have warned residents to pay the installments as they promised.
Scholars knowing about sociological structure of the neighbourhood indicate that some of the recidents are not able to pay installments for the house. Some recidents are also unable to pay their electric and water bills according to the scholars.
It's Started To Be Organized: Abdal Festival 08/10/2010
First Abdal Festival is organized under the leadership of district governership of Kaman and by the help of Culture and Tourism Municipality and Kaman Municipality in the Kaman district of Kırşehir.
It's planning to organize the festival organized for the first time in every year traditionally. Author Adnan Yılmaz and author Mümtaz Boyacıoğlu give a lecture named "Abdal Culture, From Back to Future" in the Festival.
Abdals went on a walk from Kaman Municipality to the place Festival organized in accompanied with playind drums and clarion. There was a band of musicians existed from Abdal musicians playing various musical instruments for audiences came to the festival.
The most attractive part of the festival was Abdal children playing musical instruments bigger than their bodies. Kırşehir Governor Mehmet Ufuk Erdem, gendarme commander Osman Uçar, chief of police Osman Öztürk, head official of Kaman Abdullah Küçük and many representeter from political parties joined the festival.
Source: Cihan News Agency
They Started To Go Kindergarden 13/10/2010
100 Roma children between 0-6 age started to go Kindergarden as part of the project named "Kindergarden is the base of society" and organized by Roma Culture Publicity and Save Association and Yıldırım Municipality.
Efkan Özçimen, the president of Roma Culture Publicity and Save Association said Roma children face poverty too early and as a result of this problem they couldn't get around to school. Özçimen said "Roma people live in the margin of cities and they are not able to have basic needs. This is our reality. We want to change this position with kindergarden education. We planned a project for children of our sisters and brothers who have been unable to reach education for years. We want to teach our children to protect their rights and also to respect the others rights"
Source: Samanyolu
Roma Want To Discharge Of Waste Water 19/10/2010
Roma living in Söğütlü made a statement of protest in front of district governership to show their wish for closing tailraces in their neighbourhood. After showing their reaction, Roma dispersed in silence and went to the neighbourhood.
Roma living in Söğütlü complained about bad smell spreading from tailraces and negative influence on playground of children by reason of waste waters to the municipality before. However, closing of tailraces haven't been done yet and the residents want to show their reaction to this deferment. They gatherede in front of the district governership. A few minutes later, Roma chosed a representeter among themselves to make a conversations with authorized ones with warning of police officers to disperse.
The resident emphasized that they trust in the municapality and the district governership and they want tailraces to be closed as soon as possible.
Source: Sakarya Rehber
He Has No Certificate of Residence After 4 Years 26/10/2010
A citizen named A. B., making live hard way in his tent behind the building of Ataşehir Birth Registration Office for 4 years, came away empty handed from the Birth Registration Office where he went to take a certificate of residence to.
A. B. working as a paper-scrap collector have 4 children. He appealed to Ataşehir Birth Registration Office by virtue of coming to the school starting age (6) of his children and demand of the municipality to see a certificate of residence for giving food allowance to the family. Officials of the Birth Registration Office want a bill registered to A.B as a proof that he lives in the place he claimed in accordance with usual process. Official said there is nothing to do when A. B told them he has no bill registered to him.
Law specialist evaluating the issue emphasize that it is suitable to the laws to demand bills or rental contracts from people appealing for certificate of residence. On the other hand, people just like A. B living in tents without electricity, water, gas or any rental contract have no opportunity to prove their living in one place with written documents. This situation blogs many people having a similar position with A. B to benefit from social welfare of municipality and special foundings. Sending their children to school is diffucult for the people living in tents without any certificate of residence
A.B is one of the people whose houses were demolished 5 years ago and started to live in tents and scrappy shacks behind the building of Ataşehir Birth Registration Office. There are almost 20 family in the region trying to live under hard live conditions. Situation of the families having Roma or Abdal origin are not better today thouh they have lived there for 4 years. All of them have same expectation. They are waiting municipality to solve their problems.
Source: Çingeneyiz İstanbul
Roma Painted Tempera in a Cafe 27/10/2010
Roma gathering in a cafe painted tempera in the context of "2th Modern Art Bienal of Çanakkale".
Seyhan Boztepe, the designer of the organization, emphasized that they want to make art in different places beside art studio. Boztepe said that 50 roma from different ages gathered in a cafe and painted tempera with instruct artist Tuncay Topçus' support. Boztepe also added: "We want them to externalize themes they want. There have been a nice situation. Children were especially happy. We will go on designing some studio works with them after this."
Instruct artist Tuncay Topçu emphasized that main goal of the organization is to let people to show their idea and feelings painting on toile. Topçu said he see people having a great energy on painting who had never painted before and he added: "Children and teenagers worked with a great ambition. They are generally using blue color in the paintings. This shows they have many things common among themselves. Many other people wanted to participate organization who came the cafe without being informed or invited to the activity. Being in a cafe was a chance for us."
Source: Anadolu Agency
Hacı Evhat Neighbourhood is Changing 28/10/2010
Hacı Evhat neighbourhood is an old Gypsy settlement aged for almost 60 years in the Malkara district of Tekirdağ. Basketmaking and tinning have been forgetten in Haci Evhat. Many of the residents are working in coal mines today.
Hacı Evhat Neighbourhood in Malkara district of Tekirdağ is one of the most importan settlements of Roma Gypsy in thracian region of Turkey for long years. Memories being talked among the residents about Turkish National War show how old the neighbourhood is. One of the most dramatic memories about the War is about a woman trying to hide herself and her baby from invader soldiers. She used to try shut her baby crying up compressing the baby to her chest and this caused her baby to die.
Gypsy population was low until 1950's. It raised with the migration sourced from the 72 Gypsy villages around Malkara after 1950. There have been some migrations from Edirne, Uzunköprü and Tekirdag to the neighbourhood beside the villages of Malkara. People settled to the neighbourhood were generally Gypsies specialised on basketmaking and tinning. They were living in serious hard live conditions according to older residents of the neighbourhood. Houses were builded from reeds. Thoug bigger part of the population were the Gypsies coming from the villages of Malkara, there were some Gypsies came from Greece and Bulgaris Turk-Greece Population Exchange at 1924.
Some families started to work in agriculture and husbandry on farms given by the government between 1940-1945. Some of them underselled their farms because of urgent needs. Some families lost their farms in the discussions about ownership of the lands. For some families farms started to be inadequate as population raised and they also selled their lands. There are only a few family doing agriculture. Many of them are living in the villages of Malkara and they have better live conditions comparing to other Gypsy families.
Some residents went to the foreign countries to work between 1960-1970. The other went on basketmaking, tinning, blacksmithing and agricultural working. Though musicianship was common among the Gypsies came from Bulgaria and Greece, their descendants are not musicians today. Traditional ways of subsistence just like basketmaking, tinning and blacksmithing have unexisted today in the neighbourhood. Residents found new ways of subsistence. Most of the residents are working in coal mines. There are almost 20 coal mine in Malkara. They are being paid 20 tl (14 $) for all work days. Some of the residents are collecting coal pieces falled from coal bogies and sell. It is started to be current working in textile fabrics among teenager girls in recent years. Many people believe that working in textile fabrics will be more common among Gypsy people in future. A few of the resident are working as refuse collector in the municipality. There are also some Gypsy butchers and cafe keepers in the neighbourhood.
There are three group of dialects of Romanes being spoken among the residents: Kalayci, Sepetçi and the dialects of Roma migrated from Greece and Bulgaria.
Most important problems of the neighbourhood are being unable to reach education and unemployment. Especially older residents remember Tahsin Eren with a great respectation beause of his support to the neighbourhood as a municipality president.
7000 Roma Gypsy people are living in the neighbourhood with Erenler district on Hayrabolu way in our day.
Source: Çingeneyiz Tekirdağ
Conference in Amasya About Population Exchange 03/11/2010
Özcan Pehlivanoğlu, the founder president of the Federation of Rumeli and Balkan Turks, will give a lecture in Taşova district of Amasya about Rumeli, Balkans and Turk-Greece Population Exchange at November 6, 2010.
The conference planned to be existed in Municipality Wedding Saloon between 18.00-21.00 have been organized with adding of Association of Rumeli Balkan Turk of Istanbul-Amasya, Association of Saving Balkan Turkish Culture and Platform of Balkan Turks of Taşova. Özcan Pehlivanoğlu, one of the important names of Rumeli-Balkan society living in Turkey and author of the book "Hello Rumeli", will explain process of Turk-Greece Population Exchange and make a slayt show about the event.
Turk-Greece Population Exchange dramatically influenced life of Roma Gypsies living in both countries. Many christian Gypsies were sent to Greece from Turkey and many muslim Gypsies were forced to leave Greece and to go Turkey in context of Population exchange.
Source: Anayurt Newspaper
They Also Don't Have Any Certificate of Residence
Our news about being unable of A. B, living with his family in a tend for 4 years behind the building of Birth Registration Office of Ataşehir, to get a certification of recidence have attrackted attention from people sharing a similar situation with A.B.
People with Roma and Abdal origin, living in tents in various districts of İstanbul without any certification of recidence, emhasized that they are unable to get any certificate of recidence because they don't have any bills registered to their names as a proof for living in a static place. Şerif Ali Neighbourhood of Ümraniye, Paşaköy of Samandıra and Nişantepe Neighbourhood of Alemdağ is only a few of many places people live in tents without certificate of recidence.
More than 14 families living in Şerif Ali Neighbourhood of Ümraniye have no record in Mukhtar. They have also some problems with security forces as a result of having no certificate of residence. Residents, who had lived in Küçükbakkalköy, Paşaköy, Gebze, Alemdağ before, came Şerif Ali Neighbourhood with the demolition of their old houses to live in tents there 7 years ago. However, their tents have been evicted regularly on account of the fact that the area, tents were pitched on, owned to the municipality. Nevertheless residents living in Şerif Ali Neighbourhood have pitched their tents again. Because they have no place to go and live in. They want municipality to show them suitable areas to pitch their tents on or give social house dwellings to live in.
Citizens living in Şerif Ali Neighbourhood have no electricity or water. This is the reason why they have no bills registered to their names to prove their living in a static place when they approach Birth Registration Office to get a certificate of residence. People living in Paşaköy or Nişantepe share the same situation with the resident of Şerif Ali Neighbourhood. There are almost 40 families, came from Küçükbakkalköy after demolition of their houses, in Nişantepe Neighbourhood of Alemdağ living in tents. There are more than 20 families living in Paşaköy of Samandıra living in tents without any certificate of recidence.
Most of the families living in tents in various places of İstanbul are working as scrap and paper collectors. Those families, who live under the poverty line though they are working under extreme difficult conditions, have the right to get public relief more than anyone. However many of them are unable to get public relief. Because many public and private foundations ask people having a certificate of residence to give them public relief. There is only one hope for our brothers and sisters living in tents without certificate of residence to raise extrem poverty: possibility of their children to have a chance for education. Having no certificate of residence is also a problem for our people to register their children school.
People living in tents are waiting for any kind of helps. Special projects will be planned on this issue could change hopeless life of many people.
Source: Çingeneyiz İstanbul
Flower Sellers From Kuştepe Visited the Parliament 05/11/2010
Members of Association of Kuştepe Flower Sellers visited Turkish Parliament at October 18, 2010. Administrators and members of the association made a conversation with parliamentarian Ali Koyuncu and explained their problems and hopes to him.
Almost 30 residents from Kuştepe working as flower sellers visited Turkish Parliament and made a conversation with parliamentarian Ali Koyuncu. Ali Koyuncu, who have been popular among Roma people with his works about the problems of Roma people and his close relationships with Roma community leaders all around Turkey, listened Metin Şalih Şentürk, the president of the Association, and the other members of the association. Conversation continued for almost 2 hours. Flower sellers explained their sectoral problems and unemployment problem existing as a common disease among Roma.
President of the association, Metin Salih Şentürk emphasized that they give big importance for the projects planned to raise unemployment problem existing among Roma. Parliamentarian Ali Koyuncu said that they are still working to create new solutions for the problems of Roma. Members of the association thanks Ali Koyuncu for his addings to Roma community.
Source: Çingeneyiz İstanbul
Excitement of the Federation In Çanakkale 09/11/2010
Roma associations are working hard these days as they are excited. Associations are falling under the federation to find better and quick solutions for Roma community living in Çanakkale.
Administrators of associations made a press statement about the federation being organized with the addings of 18 Mart University of Çanakkale. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Alparslan, who prepared the press statement, emphasized that their main goal is to raise prejudices society have about Roma. He also added they, as the university, will support young Roma to be educated with this perspective.
An other explanation about the federation came from Ali Çalışır, the president of Lapseki Roma Association. Çalışır said: "We have a big power in reality. We made progress to found the federation. We are founding our federation at the end."
Source: FX News
Gypsies Are Angry With The Slanders In The Dictionary 10/11/2010
Slanders written in The Kubbealtı Big Turkish Dictionary targeting Gypsies got huge reaction. There is some adjectives like greedy, rapasious in the dictionary for the meaning of the word Gypsy. Gypsies want to take slanders off from the dictionary.
First edition of The Kubbealtı Big Turkish Dictionary was published by the Foundation of Kubbealtı Academy of Culture and Art in 2005. Then the second and third edition of the dictionary was published in 2006 and 2008. Slanders written in the dictionary as the meaning of the word Gypsy repeat prejudices have already become common among society. There are also some expressions in the dictionary which had important role for transferring of prejudices targeting Gypsies from one generation to the next. One of them got big reaction from prayerful Gypsies. Because it's claimed that religion of the Gypsies is fake and suspicious in the expression written in the dictionary.
Scholars evaluating the issue remind that there are some more expressions and uses of words insulting other ethnic and social groups in daily speaking. However there have never written these uses for meaning of names of other ethnic groups in dictionaries. This shows that the defence about the situation claiming to reflect general perception existing in society about Gypsies is not legitimate.
Scholars emphasize that writing of the expressions and uses of the word in dictionaries make prejudices stronger. Gypsies and all sensible citizens are waiting the publisher to take the expressions out the dictionary. However people are ready to take legal action against the publisher if nothing happens. Moreover a citizen sensible about the issue have already appealed Human Rights Commision of Turkish Parliament.
Here is the Slanders Written in The Dictionary:
1-A society whose origin is indefinite but being believed to migrate from India,..., mostly nomadic. Roma, Kıpti. 3-Greedy, Rapacious 4-Piker
Gypsy Loan: Small loan taken from someone.
Gypsy Plays, Kurd Dances: It's used for blowsy societies and places hugger-mugger
Gypsy Tent: Scrappy, scruffy places...
Gypsy Faith: Suspicious, insecure faith.
Gypsyness: 1. Being Gypsy. 2. Being greedy 3. Being rapacious.
Source: Çingeneyiz İstanbul
Inaugural For Social House-Dwellings In Uzunköprü 11/11/2010
There was an inaugural for 26 social house-dwellings builded in Uzunköprü district of Edirne for Roma families. Hayati Yazıcı, the secretary of state and deputy prime minister, joined the inaugural. Social house-dwelling was funded by SYD Foundation.
Hayati Yazıcı emphasized that they are trying to use funds of SYDV (Social Solidarity and Cooperation Foundation) pursuant to the principles of social state and he added :"On the one hand we are giving social benefits for them to continue their daily life. We are also planning comprehensive social projects for needs of bigger populations. Funds we provided also help people to set up their own business."
Hayati Yazıcı explained that building of social house-dwellings will continue in the future. 12000 social house-dwellings were planned to be builded and some of them have already given to the owners according to the minister. People who want to settle in social house-dwellings being builded by TOKİ (Mass Housing Administration) have to pay taxex near 100 TL ( 60 $) for each month. However Hayati Yazıcı said that the social house-dwellings in Edirne were builded with a different status.
Source: Cihan News
Sarıgöl Residents Are Worried About The Eviction 23/11/2010
Residents of Sarıgöl, one of the most crowded Roma settlements of İstanbul, are worried about rumours claiming there will be an eviction soon in the neighbourhood. 100 residents gathering in front of the municipality building made a press statement and submit some petitions to the municipality.
The press statement was maden by Şadi Çatı, president of local Roma association. Şadi Çatı emphasized that Roma people have lived in the neighbourhood for generations and have the right to be informed about the future of the neighbourhood.
Şadi Çatı told that even Roma people started to settle in the neigbourhood 60 years ago, they had lived there without land title for their houses for a long time. However they had their land titles with the law on shanty maden by Turgut Özal. Şadi Çatı emphasized that residents are worried about the stigmatization maden by mass media against the neighbourhood blaming residents to be criminals. Çatı told that it's a big mistake to blame all residents for behaviours of a small minority living in the neighbourhood. The most important inconveniency about the urban transformation project is elusiveness according to Şadi Çatı. "Even we have wanted them to give us a copy of the project text for many times, they didn't give it us yet."
The residents summit their petitions, which demand to be informed about the project, to the municipality officers. Then some residents including Şadi Çatı made a conversation with Suat Alkan, the deputy mayor of Gaziosmanpaşa district.
Suat Alkan claimed that there is no secret about the urban transformation project as they are publishing some bulletins introducing details about the project. Alkan explained the project to be two-stage. Firstly, 125 family living on an area with 30 decare will be influenced from the project. They will also get rent allowance according the deputy mayor. Alkan also emphasized that the new house will build pursuant to Roma culture.
Şadi Çatı evaluating explanations of the deputy mayor emphasized that the bulletins published by the municipality are not clear enough. He told that the residents hope to be informed about project more clearly. 100-150 family, whose houses were evicted before, are living under hard conditions according to Şati Çatı and this make the others more worried about the eviction.
Şadi Çatı completed his explanations with those words: "Our houses should be repaired. It is forbidden for us to drive a nail to our houses for 40 years. We are waiting for building law. Then people could make agreements with contractors if they want. We didn't see any services for 28 years in the neighbourhood. We don't have any infrastructure services. We hope authorities to do something for our people."
Source: Çingeneyiz İstanbul
Would Gypsies Be Able To Benefit From The New SGK 24/11/2010
Selim Erol, the provincial health director of Antalya, told that Gypsies' monthly social insurance contributions would be payed by the government if Gypsies prove they have no income. This is also valid for other citizens without any income.
Selim Erol made a press statement to response the news published on local media explaining worry of Gypsies about new social security law (sgk) which will cancel green card execution ( a card given to people without any income to benefit from health services without paying ). Selim Erol evaluated the issue with those words: "Our citizen will be accepted as insured and their monthly social insurance conributions will be payed by the government if they could prove they have no income."
Citizens, who are not able to pay their social insurance contributions by themselves, have to apply to green card offices to benefit from health services according to Selim Erol. Procedure to confirm citizens have no income will be done in green card offices. According to this procedure, people, whose monthly incomes are less than 253,5 tl (160 $), will have the right to benefit from health services without paying.
Source: Actuel News
Göksel Fil Will Represent Tekirdağ In TAIEX 25/11/2010
Göksel Fil, the president of Hacı Evhat Neighbourhood Improvement and Solidarity Association, will represent Tekirdağ in TAIEX seminar organized by the Directorate-General Enlargement of the European Commission.
TAIEX is the Technical Assistance and Information Exchange instrument managed by the Directorate-General Enlargement of the European Commission. TAIEX supports partner countries with regard to the approximation, application and enforcement of EU legislation. The beneficiaries of TAIEX assistance are member states and candidate countries including Turkey like Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina...
The name of TAIEX seminar will be existed at December 15-16 in İstanbul is "Roma Citizens In Turkey". Participants of the seminar were nominated by respective ministries and local authorities. Main issues of the seminar are the aspects of access to social services, combating stereotypes, housing and urban renewal, working life and employment challenges. Göksel Fil will represent Tekirdağ in the seminar.
We asked Göksel Fil to evaluate the issue. Mr. Fil made a statement for us after his and Erdinç Çekiç's, the president of EDROM, conversation with Hayati Yazıcı, the secretary of state. Göksel Fil said that they will focus on education problems of Roma children in the seminar. Fil also emphasized that they talked over with Hayati Yazıcı about social house-dwellings being planned to be built in Malkara.
Göksel Fill, who is one of 30 participants of the seminar, used those word evaluating the issue: "We will try to represent our people in the best way in the seminar which is organized to discuss problems and demands of Roma." Göksel Fil also thanked to Birol Kaya, Malkara Mayor, and parlimentarian for their support to Roma community about employment and housing in Malkara.
Source: Çingeneyiz Tekirdağ
The Basketmakers Make A Living The Hard Way 30/11/2010
Serkan Say and his family living in Malkara district of Tekirdağ subsist on basketmaking which was the traditional job of them for generations. Shrinking demand to basket make subsistence more harder gradually for Say family.
Only a few family continue to make baskets to subsist even it was the main subsistence way of too many Gypsy groups in the past. Say family is one of the families who still continue wattling. Serkan Say and his family generally sell their basket in Station of Malkara. They sometimes have a chance to sell their baskets in local bazaar organized by the municipality.
Serkan, who emphasize that subsistence is getting harder and harder for them every passing day, explained their life to team with those words: "Our ancestors were also basketmakers. I have always been doing this job for as long as i have known by myself. This is not a difficult job. But you have to be patient and skilful to make baskets. We are preparing hazelwood, which we cut in mountains, with knife. Than we are making baskets using them. We are selling baskets we made between 15 TL (10 $) and 35 TL (23 $) accorging to their size. Demand to basket have been decreasing since plastic cape started to be produced. However there are some people who know plastic cape are not same with our baskets. They buy our baskets. Some of our friend make smaller baskets to sell tourists as ornament. If authorities give us any chance, we could be able to teach our crafts to new generations."
Source: Cingeneyiz Tekirdağ
"Help Roma To Have Education" 02/12/2010
Kocaeli Roma Federation, which has been established recently, started a campaign named "Help a Rom To Have Education" to support young Roma to reach education. The campain released to the public with a press statement.
The campain of Kocaeli Roma Federation released to the publicity with the press statement organized in Sekapark Palmiye Cafe at November 14. There were representeters of Roma associations from Kocaeli beside the founder president of the federation, Ahmet Çokyaşar.
Ahmet Çokyaşar, who shared informations about the campaign with journalists, evaluated the issue with these words: "It's believed Roma to be best musician of Turkey. However there is no Roma in conservatory as teacher or student. There haven't been any campaign about education problem of Roma children until now. We are organizing a campaign about the issue with our own possibilities. Name of the campaign is "Help Roma To Have Education". The project is almost complated. We will star to work for it soon."
Source: Kocaeli Newspaper
Urban Transformation In Edirne 07/12/2010
A protokol will be signed between Edirne Municipality and Atılım University for the urban transformation project planned to be done in Menzilahır Neighbourhood which is one of the biggest Roma Gypsy settlements of Edirne.
20 academician performed measurements in different parts of the neighbourhood in the context of urban transformation. It's said that they will do more researches after signing of the protokol between municipality and the university. The university will contribute the project from the point of technical issues. TOKİ (Mass Housing Administration) is also supporting the project.
Residents of the neighbourhood, which is also one of the most crowded Roma settlements of Turkey, don't want to be influenced negatively by the project. People emphasize that they are supporting their houses to be repaired. However they are afraid of being forced to leave the neighbourhood where their ancestors lived in for centuries.
Source: News On Edirne
Did They Reviled Against Gypsy Children 08/12/2010
It's claimed that O.K, the preceptor of a grade school in Ereğli district of Zonguldak used insulting expressions about Gypsy children in a seminar named "Education In Family" despite there were Gypsy families participating the seminar.
Cengiz Çevikel, who witnessed the conversation, said that O. K, the preceptor, used insulting expressions against Gypsy children. The event create tension in the district. It's claimed that O. K, the preceptor used these expressions in the seminar:
"O. E, who is one of our old district governors, asked a stupid one if he goes to school or not during a visit to P. village. Gypsy child answered him "there is no school to go!". Then the district governor found a school service for Gypsy children. They have started to come our school. So the older district governer is responsible for these Gypsy children to start coming our school."
"These children caused trouble to our school with their failure and lack of continuity."
"Gypsy children have nothing to do in school. What changes if they have education or not!"
"Fortunately, we get rid of many of them. We sent them to the new school builded in B. with my own force. We are also trying to make invisible the others among us!"
Gypsy children have been subjected to violence beside their friend allegedly. It's also said that a teacher insulted a Gypsy girl saying "filthy Gypsy". Similarly, a rumour ,claiming some teachers cause Gypsy children to drop out school with revilements, create tension in the district.
Cengiz Çevikel, the citizen who informed us about the issue, emphasized that he is ready to share his informations about the issue with journalists and also officials. We, as family, don't blame people the abovementioned without any investigation. However we believe that the claims have to be investigated. Because, we also witnessed irresponsible behaviours of some teachers cause many of our brothers and sisters to drop out their schools in our own lifes.
To communicate with with Cengiz Çevikel:
Three-Wheeled Van Instead Of Carriages 14/12/2010
Kırklareli Municipality prepared a projeckt to restrict the use of carriages in the city. Carriage owner, who have mostly Roma origin, will have three-wheeled Van if they deliver their carriages to the municipality.
Raising of the city population and number of cars cause traffic jam in Kırklareli. Carriages, which use the same way with cars and busses, are one of reasons of the situation according to municipality officials. City council made a decision to gather carriages and to give three-wheeled van to carriage owners until the end of 2010 by virtue of hindering traffic jam.
Three-wheeled vans, which could be used without driving licence, will be granted to carriage owners. Carriage owners are working as scrap and paper collector. Three-wheeled vans are more suitable for these jobs than carriages according to municipality officials on account of the fact that there-wheeled vans could carry 500kg cargo. Carriage owners also have an other choice to be paid 2500 TL ( 1700$) or to be employed in the bazaar if they accept to give their carriages.
One of the carriage owners A. S 34 aged evaluates the issue with these words: "They have to employ us. We are subsisting with these carriages. We have no other job to da. We are carrying furnitures. We are carrying building materials with our carriages. If we have any other choice, we won't prefer to do this job..."
Source: DHA
Collective Housing Project In İpsala 15/12/2010
Mass Housing Administration made a tender about collective housing which was claimed to be built for Roma Gypsy in İpsala district of Edirne. Özaybil Company won the tender and started to build collective housing.
Building of collective housing started in İpsala district of Edirne with revolving of the area from municipality to Mass Housing Administration. The area where collective housing would be built on is in Tekke Bayırı region of Kapucu Neighbourhood. It's not announced that under which conditions people will have ownership of the houses yet. People are waiting for announcement of payment schedule.
İpsala Mayor Mehmet Karagöz evaluated the issue with those words: "We have made some official correspondence with Mass Housing Administration about revolving of the area. It's nice for us that building of collective housing started as we have promised our citizens before the elections. We hope the company to complate the building as soon as possible."
Source: Anatolian Agency
TAIEX Seminar In Istanbul 17/12/2010
The TAIEX seminar named "Roma Citizens In Turkey" was organized in İstanbul by the Directorate-General Enlargement of EU with participating of Roma representeters, EU officials and government officials.
Situation of Roma living in Turkey about housing, employment, health and education topics was evaluated in the seminar comparatively. Roma workshops started by the government was also discussed in every respects. Roma representers from different regions of the country gave detailed informations to participants about the situation of Roma citizens. Problems of Roma community and solution offers were also evaluated in the workshops organized in the context of seminar.
Minister for EU Affairs, Egemen Bağış made a comment about the seminar with those words: "I believe that this seminar will be helpful to find solutions for the problems of Roma citizens and make their problems more visible for the publicity. I also believe that this seminar will improve our social solidarity." Egemen Bağış, who emphasized that there are more than 2 million Roma citizens, defined Roma people as one of the founder elements of Turkish Republic.
Opening Remarks were maden by Minister Egemen Bağış and Andris Kesteris, the principal advisor of Civil Society and Inter-institutional Relations Directorate-General Enlargement European Commision, in the first day of the seminar. Elmas Arus also spoke representing Roma sivil society of Turkey.
TAIEX is the Technical Assistance and Information Exchange instrument managed by the Directorate-General Enlargement of the European Commission. TAIEX supports partner countries with regard to the approximation, application and enforcement of EU legislation. The beneficiaries of TAIEX assistance are member states and candidate countries including Turkey like Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina...
Speak Text of Elmas Arus (Zero Discrimination Association) -Not translated yet-
Program of the Seminar
Chair: José Manuel Fresno
8.45 – 9.00 Registration
9.00 – 9.30 Opening Remarks
Egeman Bagis
Minister for EU Affairs and Turkish Chief Negotiator
Andris Kesteris
Principal advisor
Civil Society and Inter-institutional Relations
Directorate-General Enlargement
European Commision
9.30 – 10.00 Follow-up to the "Roma Opening" in Turkey
Faruk Celik
State Minister
Turkish government
Elmas Arus
Zero Discrimination Association
10.00 – 10.15 Discussion
10.15 – 10.45 Human rights of citizens in the EU
Dr. Erik Wennerström
Principal legal adviser to the
Swedish Minister of Foreign affairs
10.45 – 11.00 Discussion
11.00 - 11.15 Coffee Break
11.15-11.45 Social and economic integration of Roma Citizens: the Spanish experience
José Manuel Fresno
President of the Spanish Council
for the equal treatment and non-discrimination
of persons irrespective of racial or ethnic origin
11.45 – 12.00 Discussion
12.00 – 12.30 Challenges of Roma social inclusion in Turkey (including dissemination of findings of an ongoing EU study in this field)
Fernando Villarreal
Fundacion Secretario Gitano
12.30 – 12.45 Discussion
12.45– 14.15 Lunch
14.15 - 15.30 Workshops I-IV
15.30 – 15.45 Coffee Break
15.45 - 17.00 Workshops I-IV (continued)
Workshop on best practices I:
Access to social services (health and education)
15 December 14:15 – 17:00
16 December 9:00 – 10:30
Prof.Dr.Zerrin Toprak
Dokuz Eylul University
Department of Public Administration
Ibrahim Guray Yontar
Dokuz Eylul University
Department of Public Administration
Turkish examples in the field
Ayse Gunduz Hosgor
Department of Sociology
Basak Ekim Akkan
Bogazici University Social Policy Forum
EU best practices in the field
Gordon Alexander
Senior Advisor Economic and Social Policy
Lida Kita
Human Capital Development Specialist
European Training Foundation
Discussion based on expert input
Workshop on best practices II:
Combating stereotypes (eg. text books, media)
15 December 14:15 – 17:00
16 December 9:00 – 10:30
Ivan Ivanov
ERIO European Roma Information Office
Ozhan Onder
METU PhD Candidate
Department of Sociology
Turkish example in the field
Dr. Adrian Marsh
University of Greenwich Researcher in Romani Studies
EU best practice in the field
Andrzej Mirga
Senior Advisor
OSCE-ODIHR contact point for Roma and Sinti
Discussion based on expert input
Workshop on best practices III:
Housing and Urban Renewal
15 December 14:15 – 17:00
16 December 9:00 – 10:30
Professor Fikret Adaman
Boğaziçi University
Feray Salman
General Coordinator
Human Rights Joint Platform (İHOP)
Turkish examples in the field
Tahire Erman
Bilkent University
Dept. of Political Science
Emine Onaran İncirlioglu
Architect and Anthropologist
EU best practice in the field
Lea Koszeghy (tbc)
Institute for Ethnic and National Minority Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Budapest, Hungary
Discussion based on expert input
Workshop on best practices IV:
Working Life and Employment Challenges
15 December 14:15 – 17:00
16 December 9:00 – 10:30
Prof.Dr.Ayhan Kaya
Bilgi University
Director of European Institute
Alper Yaglidere
Dokuz Eylul University
Institute of Social Sciences
Turkish example in the field
Sibel Kalaycioglu
Department of Sociology
EU best practice in the field
Belen Sanchez
Fundacion Secretario Gitano
Discussion based on expert input
Day 2 : Thursday 16 December 2010
Chair: José Manuel Fresno
09.00 – 10.30 Workshops I-IV (continued)
10.30 – 11.15 Coffee Break
11.15 – 12.00 Plenary: presentation of the topics discussed in Workshops I-IV
12.00 - 13.00 Discussion
13.00 – 14.15 Lunch
14.15 – 15.15 Panel discussion on the way forward in Turkey
Ivan Ivanov
ERIO European Roma Information Office
José Manuel Fresno
President of the Spanish Council for the equal treatment and non-discrimination of persons irrespective of racial or ethnic origin
Omer Eksi
Advisor to the State Minister Faruk Celik
Necdet Subasi
Academician (Gazi University, Faculty of Communication)
Public should have possibility to intervene
15.15 - 15.30 Closing Remarks by EUSG Ambassador Volkan Bozkir
Source: Cingeneyiz İstanbul-Anatolian Agency
The Family Get Their Identification Cards 23/12/2010
S. Y. and her three children, a family living in Saruhanlı district of Manisa, get their idenfication cards. S. Y.'s application to Saruhanlı Birth Registration Office has been accepted. The family live under difficult conditions.
S.Y. were not able to solemnize with her husband on account of the fact they had no identification card. He had a wreck and died. Than She and her children started to live with her brother's family in a slum with only one room. S. Y is happy today because of acceptance of her application to Birth Registration Office. Today, she has only one expectation to have a horse and a carriage. She explain the situation she is in with this sentence: "If they give me a carriage , i can collect firewood and scrap so we can subsist on that way."
There are still many citizens who have no identification cards and unable to benefit from some official services because of the situation. They are not able to benefit from social welfares and register their children to school. A circular letter was issued before to provide convenience for citizens with Gypsy origin to get identification card by the government. Having identication cards of S. Y and her chilren gives hope to people who have no idenfication cards.
Source: Anatolian Agency
Thessalonians Association Deman Social Housing 27/12/2010
200 people from Fethiye Thessalonians Association give their letter of application demanding social housing to be built in their district. Administration of the association also offered authorities 3 place where social housing to be built on is suitable .
President of The association, Salih Kocatepe, have a talk with authorities in General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre. They determined 3 suitable areas for social housing to be built on in the meeting. Members of the association demanding social housing to be built also prepared detailed payment schedules showing possibilities of each of them to pay for social housing. Each letter of application was prepared in dublicate to be given the secretary of state, Faruk Çelik and the president of TOKİ ( Mass Housing Administration) Erdoğan Bayraktar.
President of the association, Salih Kocatepe gave envelopes including letters of application and payment schedules to parliamentarian Yüksel Özden. There were almost 100 member of the association to meet Yüksel Özden. Özden emphasized that he was surprised to see the association to be well prepared and he explained his approach to issue with those words: "Thank you all. You are to offer us a substantial and well-prepared project of social housing instead of begging for houses. I will tell your demands to the prime minister."
The biggest hope of the members of the association is social housing to be built as soon as possible in their district.
The President of Roma Culture Association Elected 29/12/2010
Abuzer Gezgin is elected as the president of Afyonkarahisar Roma Culture Association. Administration of the association, which established under hard circumstances, emphasize that the association need help to start their activities.
First general meeting of the association was gathered in office of the association. Abuzer Gezgin and Saim Çakanşimşek were candidates to be president. Abuzer Gezgin is elected as the president taking almost full of votes.
Abuzer Gezgin explained difficulties they face in his first statement as the president with these words: "There isn't enough space for 5 people to sit in our office at the same time. It's a small room. We need official help to start our activities."
Members of the association emphasized that they will work for saving and improving of Roma culture.
Source: Cihan News Agency
Engin Ardıç Is Sued By Flower Sellers 30/12/2010
İstanbul Roma Flower Sellers Association filed a criminal complaint against Engin Ardıç because of his article published in his column in July 22, 2010 with claim of criminal offense. The indictment has been accepted by the court.
Journalist Engin Ardıç' article, published in July 22, 2010 in Sabah Newspaper caused so many reactions in the society. In the article Ardıç was telling a story about a Roman woman asking him for prostitution and by using this example Ardıç was blaming the whole gypsy society. This was protested by non-governmental organisations. İstanbul Roma Flower Sellers Association made a statement to the press and made an allegation about Ardıç to the court.
The indictment made by İstanbul Roma Flower Sellers Association has been accepted by the court. First trial day will be in February 11th. President of İstanbul Roma Flower Sellers Association Metin Salih Şentürk has invited all society to the court to support them. Gypsies and sensitive society will follow up on this lawsuit.
Sarıgöl Roma Made A Press Statement 31/12/2010
The president of Sarıgöl Roma Association, Şadi Çatı, made a press statement to thank all individuals and foundations who support their association. Mr. Çatı told that Sarıgöl Roma hope this support to be continued.
Here is the full text of the statement
"We, as Sarıgöl Roma, thank all individuals and foundations who support our association about various topics notably the issue of urban transformation since day one. We were able to make progress about problems of the neighbourhood in collaboration with our friends altough there haven't been much time since we established the association. Their addings are also important about our residents to bring into connection with officials and the municipality in a healthy way. We also owe them a debt of gratitude for their great efforts to inform us about urban transformation which give us a chance to influence urban transformation policy pursuant to demands of our residents.
We believe all individuals and foundation to continue supporting our association in future."
The President of Cooperation and Solidarity Association of Sarıgöl Roma
Şadi Çatı
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