Wednesday, December 11, 2013

DÜNYA 2009-2010

Ambedkar was Commemorated 08/12/2009
B.R. Ambedkar, the legendary leader of Indian Dalit communities, was commemorated in the 53rd year of his death. Thousands of Dalits attended to the commemorative ceremony which was organized in Lucknow, the center of Uttar Pradesh province. In the commemorative ceremony organized by Bahujan Samaj Party, Mayavati, the head of the party and the prime minister or the country, spoke about the importance of Ambedkar for Dalits.

The ceremony was performed in front of the sculpture of Ambedkar in Lucknow, on the 6th of December, the day of his death. Due to efforts of Bahujan Samaj Party, Dalits from different provinces of India came to Lucknow. Commemorative ceremony brought the NGO’s from the different parts of the country together.

B.R. Ambedkar was born in 1891 as the fourteenth child of a Dalit family. During his life, he struggled against discrimination among the casts. As the first Dalit who could go to the university in India, he finished BA in the department of law, PHD in the departments of anthropology, economy and political science. After his entrance to university in 1907, Ambedkar struggled against discrimination through organizing meetings and issuing journals. In 1919, Ambedkar was invited by the government for his contribution to the workings for the first constitution of India. He actively worked on the arrangements about the discrimination and poverty. After finishing the PHD programs in USA and England due to the bursaries, Ambedkar turned back to his country and he had actively organized massive movements against the discrimination among the castes and struggled for the rights of Dalits for entering the temples and reaching the water, since 1927. During this period, as a contribution to the constitution, he wrote about the demands of Dalits. In 1936, Ambedkar founded Independent Workers’ Party. He also became the first Minister of Justice in 1947.

The Singer Was Killed Since not Playing The Requested Song 09/12/2009
On the 4th day of December, in Lucknow, located in Uttar Pradesh province, a Dalit musician was killed. Ram Prakash Saanwle, a trumpeter Dalit musician invited to a street wedding ceremony, was attacked by the peasants for playing noisy and not playing the requested song.

The trumpeter of the Dalit music group with its 5 members who were invited to Nagar, a village 300 km. far from the center of Lucknow, was exposed verbal assaults after beginning of wedding since he was not playing the requested songs. Then the peasants attacked him with bats and said that the trumpeter was playing badly.

Police declared that there was a bullet on his shoulder when Saanwle was taken to the hospital and he had already died on the way. Security forces also told that the investigation was going on and one person was taken in charge.


The Peripatetics (Gypsy) of Rwanda 11/01/2009
Middle Africa’s poor country Rwanda’s local people Batwas are the new guests of Cİ web site with their life conditions, the problem that they are facing, their local population and economical relations. will be reporting news from different geographies and introducing unfamiliar commercial nomads to its readers.

Batwas,- known as forest people in local language- are known as the poorest group of Rwanda's. Rwanda which means “Country of one thousand hills" is hosting approximately 30 thousand Batwas which is %1 of the population. Batwas who have been living as hunter and collectors for centuries were banished because of two groups' migrate to the area that they were living. Batwas who are still living in the forests are struggling against the pressure and violence of cowman origin tribes “Hutu”s and another tribe "Tutsi"s. Because of the war between those two tribes, Batwas lost 10000 people. In this war Hutus murdered 1 million Tutsis in 100 days in 1994.

Batwas, who are hunting and collecting to survive have professions on basket making, pottery, herbal medicine making. They also do jobs such as musicianship, begging, farmhands. Rwanda society’s attitude to Batwas is very familiar; Batwas are considered as barbaric, ignorants, and abominable and beyond all these they are behaved as "half-human”s. Also they are exposed to a systematic discrimination in the governmental institutions. Most of the Batwas don’t have an ID card and when they apply to the register office they face lots of bureaucratic diffuculties and so they lose their right to use health and education opportunities.

If You are a Dalit, Take Your Sandals off or... 18/01/2009
India is again in the top news with a discrimination and torture incident. Discrimination along casts is again alive in different cities of the country. The last incident happened in Dindigul, Tamil Nadu on January, 7th. A young Dalit wearing sandals was beaten and forced to eat human dejection by Christian upper class members.

After this incident Young Dalit Sadayandi reported those attackers to the closest police station. He said when he was walking through the street where mostly upper class members live 10 people wanted him to take his sandals off and when said refused to do it they attacked him and one of them forced him to eat human dejection. Police is trying to find those attackers.

This incident remind us a part from Neşet Ertaş' book “Heart Mountain” ; In an example in the book peripatetics were forced to dress up different from the other people whoever don't obey this rule would be treated badly. Below is a part from Ertaş' book to make the picture clear. Ertas is a member of one of the Turkish peripatetic groups, Abdals; and also a famous Turkish griot.

“Let me give you an example ; I went to İstanbul when I was 14-15. I worked in night clubs for 1-2 years. I observed İstanbul, and people were not wearing hats. I got used to not wearing hats and then I returned backed to my hometownn Kırşehir Bağbaşı Mahallesi. And that day I went to Kırşehir’s big bazaar, everyone wearing their hats but I am not because I am used to not wearing hat. There were old people sitting in front of the café and passed by the cafe. When i was going back they were still sitting there. And at the time little children started to stone me. Because an ” Abdal” was not wearing his hat; I didn’t say anything bad or swear, i was just passing by... Anyways, Abdal people had to wear hats and hats have to go down to the eyes, have to look down. It was always like this and would always be."

Resource :
*Gönül Dağında Bir Garip, Neşet Ertaş , page 24, İş Bankası Yayınları, 2006.

Discrimination Kills 11/02/2010
A doctor candidate Dalit Indıa killed himself by medicine overdose. Sushil Chaudhary who was dreaming to be a doctor; after failing three times in pharmacology class he killed himself. In the message that he sent before his suicide he said the professor failed him because of him being a dalit.

It is a big dream to have chance to go to university for young Dalits and only lucky ones can make this happen. In Uttar Pradesh which is one of places where most discrimination incidents happen, a young Dalit who made his dream happen killed himself because he couldn't stand the discrimination that he is facing.

Sushil Chaudhary was going to a medicine school and he was a successful student. He was passing all his exams with a great success but he "failed" in pharmacology class for three times. Everytime he had very good exam but he couldn't get the enough grade to pass the exam and he chose suicide because of this. After this incident police took professors Dr. S.K. Das, Dr. S. P.Singh and Dr. K.K. Pant to the custody.

Academicians who are behaving very badly to Chaudhary will be judged by the law which bans discrimantion. After the incident Chaudry's made a statement to the press and said that aforesaid professors are guilty and they testify in the court.

Chhatrapati Sahu Ji Maharaj University administration made a statement after this incident and said that this incident is not caused because of discrimination, and reason might be his psychological problems.


The Peripatetics (Gypsy) of Japan 16/02/2010
“Gypsies from all over the world"s last topic was about the Rwanda Peripatetics: Batwas and our new topic is Japan Peripatetic group Burakamins; the untouchables of Japanese ; they will be our guests with their life conditions which is built by the systematic discrimination that they are facing and their handicrafts . It is estimated as 6 million burakamins which refers to 2% of the population live in Japanese.

Until the 19th century when discriminations were banned Burakamins were a part of a cast called “Senmin”. Senmins who don’t have fields to plow were connected to “eligible” people “Konmin”s. Some of the Senmins were working in Konmins' fields as field-hands and some of them were doing the traditional handicarafts. This second group who wasn't working in the fields was accepted as magicians and they were believed as in they were able to communicate with the hyperphysical powers. Burakamins started to be considered as political threat after the Buddhism integration to the Japan culture and depending on this they faced more discrimination.

Japan Peripatetics used to do jobs like bathing the deceased, executioner, gravedigger, lather workers, butcher but today those professions lost their importance. But this reality didn’t change the low status of Burakamins in Gadjo people’s eyes. In 1960s Japanese government started a very big assimilation program. Government made observable amendment on Burakamin’s life conditions by spending spent 12 trillion yen and also they also accepted discrimination as a crime. But still being a Burakamin is a bad sign for traditional Japan Gadjo for employments and marriage. Today 9% of the Japan Peripatetics are working as officers in state institutes and municipalities, but these usually have low status and most of the people who are working for the municipalities are garbage collecters. In cities Burakamins have more chance to take part in social life by hiding their identities but in rural regions they face more social exclusion.


The Peripatetics (Gypsy) of Somali 23/02/2010
Midgan is a name which is given by non-peripatetics to Peripatetic groups which live in Somali and its hinterland. Peripatetic groups which are gained under the name of Midgan are the members of world Gypsy family's with the the problems that they are facing and their traditional handcrafts.

Midgan is a name defines Peripatetics who live in Somali and its hinterland. All prejudices and baseless meanings which are loaded to word Gypsy are also loaded to the name Midgan in Somali area. The word Midgan is used in very bad meanings such as “ dirty, half person” and Somali Peripatetics react to this use very much. Midgan is a general word which comprise other words used for other Peripatetic groups who live in this area such as Madhiban, Musa Dheryo, Tumal, Yaher, Yibir and Jaje.

Midgans who are the define themselves as the first owners of the Africa continent represents the 1% of the Somali's 9 million population. On the other hand Midgans are accepted as sub-cast members in the Somalian cast system by the other clans.

Midgans lost many people during the civil war which happened in 1991, they were attacked by other tribes which categoryze themselves as the sub-cast members. It is hard to say that there was a stability during the civil war in the country and this situation affected . Midgans still don't have right to have properties like fields and animals and also to vote. Midgans are still being attacked by the neighbor groups.

Because of all these facts the avarage lenght of life is 48 years for woman and 44 years for man and those numbers going down constantly because of negative life conditions.

Midgans also live in Çibuti, Kenya and Etiyopya. As the one of the first groups of Africa Midgans do blacksmithing, barbering, circumsisering and leather trade. The ones who lost their handcrafts work as coutrymen.


*In this passage, the word Gypsy is being used as a generic term defining all kind of world Peripatetics or Commercial Nomads to emphasize brotherhood and similarity of world Peripatetics.

Dom People: One of the Middle Eastern Gypsies 26/02/2010
There have been many gypsy groups living in Middleast. We will introduce you some of these gypsy groups and Doms will be the first of them. Doms who live in Turkey, Irak, İran, Jordan, İsrael, Philistine National are spread to different areas of Middleast.

The word “Dom” which has a phonetic similarity with the word “Rom” gained its recent meaning in the unsuprised develoment process when we think of the other words which are used to define peripatetic communities. In the time this development process can be understood better when we compare the words lexical meaning of the word and the meaning given by the society.

In Indian language, in daily use – exact same thing the word Rom as used in Romanes language – the word Dom which means “ human-being” after gypsies calling them Dom turned into a word which has negative meanings. Today this word refers to a social category and is used to define peripatetics who have jobs like musicianship and blacksmithing . Upper- cast Indian people use this word in a very wrong meaning such as “cursed, dirty and half – person” . But in Middleast the word “Dom” spesify to a particular ethnical group. And this group speaks one of the Gypsy languages Domari.

Doms are one of the oldest Gypsy groups in Middleast. Most probably before Romas' ancestors leaving India, by different Indian Gypsy clans and local gypsy groups' contraction made a new group Doms arised and started to speak Domari.

Doms are having similar problems with the other gypsy groups from other areas of the world. Having difficiulties to get education, health problems, unemployment by losing their traditional jobs, unstable conditions in Middleast and the wars are the most important problems. In the near past different NGOs started for solutions for Doms' problems. Dom Research Center and Domari Society are doing researches about Dom's history and looking for possible solutions for the problems.

Doms have different traditional jobs. Musicianship, sievemaking, blacksmithing, silver jewellery are only some of them. Dom women are usually doing tatoo making and future telling. In Turkey Doms who live in Hatay and South- East Anatolia are usually doing public type dentists. On the other hand losing the traditional jobs makes Doms to look for other jobs as well. Doms live in the heart of Middleast; Jeruselam are doing some cleaning jobs together with the traditional jobs.


Italy is also Deporting Roma Gypsies 24/08/2010
The racist attacks in recent years and racist policies planned by the Italian government towards Roma Gypsies make life more difficult for Roma Gypsies in Italy. Italian government is planning to add a new one to this kind of racist policies. If it is approved by the Meeting of European Union Interior Ministers in September 6, Roma Gypsies came from East Europe recently will be deported.

France President Nicolas Sarkozy's tough policies towards Roma Gypsies which planned to get a higher popularity to the president jumped to Italy. Two days after deporting of 216 Roma Gypsies from France.Interior Minister of Italy, Roberto Maroni said Italy will ask EU to approve the policy of deporting Roma Gypsies having Bulgaria and Romania citizenship and who don't have acceptable living conditions. EU Interior Ministers are meeting in September 6th to discuss the subject. In the event that approval of the deporting policy in Italy many European countries may take similar decisions to deport Roma Gypsies.

It's said by the experts that the suffering of Roma Gypsies doesn't end in the Eastern Europe countries where they are sent after deporting from Western Europe. 200 slums Roma Gypsies lived were demolished the previous day in Craiova City of Romania.

Source: Hürriyet

Protest Against Deportation Policy of France 01/09/2010
Reactions against France government about deportation policy of immigrant gypsies is getting higher and higher. Gypsies all over the world notably The Europe started to show their reactions against this racist policy in a democratic way. It's being asked impatiently how France respond this protests.

Democratic Rom Association Serbia centred participated protests publishing a proclamation. Racist attacks notably in Hungary and Italy, deportation of Gypsies in Denmark and forceful evictions all over the Eastern Europe were argued in proclamation. It's also emphasized that deportation policy of France has been the final straw in the proclamation. It's also planned to organize a meeting to protest all these issues at September 4 in Belgrad, Viyana and Paris. Invitation cards prepared in German, French, İtalian, Spanish to invite people the meeting. Group Everyone italy based also published a proclamation declaring France government must terminate their deportation policy.

Gypsy Center of Toronto in USA protests deportation policy of France government writing an open letter to the French embassador. It's said in the proclamation France's policy is racist and a big shame on France where "equality, brotherhood and freedom" principles were proposed in.

"Unite Against Racism" a NGO existed with participating of 560 foundings from 46 countries published an open letter calling all sensitive citizens of The Europe Union to protest France's policy. It's also planned to organize a great meeting against racism at October 9 2010.

Allthough protests gets bigger and bigger, France government continue their deportation policy. The secong groups of immigrant Gypsies were deported last Wednesday. 41 Gypsies were sent to Bulgaria Sofia.

The Fire Burned, The Municipality Evicted 10/09/2010
There was a fire outbreak in a camp immigrant Gypsies live in the Roma, the capital of Italy at August 27. A Gypsy child died in the fire and one is injured. It's still unknown what was the reason of the fire.

There had been a fire in the Gypsy camp in the Roma towards morning. 4 of 30 slums were burned in the fire. A gypys child died in the fire and its brother is injured. There have been some 3th and 4th degree burns on 40 percentege of his body. After the fire, the Gypsy camp was evicted according to explanation the Roma Municipality published. 63 people including 15 children had lived in the burned camp were settled to the rest house of the municipality. 26 slum which were keeped from the fire were demolished by the municipality.

There haven't been any explanation for the reason of the demolishing of the 26 slum by the municipality. It's also unknown how much time the Gypsy families will be letted in the rest house. It's summitted that this time will be so short in conjuction with the explanations of Roberto Mallini, interior minister of Italian Government, declaring to change immigrant policy of EU and to make easy deportation of immigrants having EU passports.


European Parliament Condemned France Government 14/09/2010
European Parliament voted the law draft condemning deportation policy of France Government. It's accepted with 337 ayes against 245 noes. The law draft being accepted declares that France and the other members of European Union should terminate their policy to deport Roma Gypsies recently came from Balkans.

The law draft given by socialist, liberal, communist and green members of European Parliament declares that the deportation policy of France is unacceptable in conjuction with the right to move freely and the minority rights. Being late of The European Commission to condemn France's policy is also critisized in the Joint text.

Jose Manual Barroso, president of the European Commission, emphasized that there is no place for racism and xenophobia in the European Union when he spoke in the Parliament at September 7. Barroso critisized France telling anonymously. Daniel Cohn Bendit, the leader of the green group of the European Parliament, offers Barroso to condemn France openly for breaking principles of the European Union. The Church and human right activists in France are critisizing France Government's deportation policy for breaking the right to move freely and the minority rights.

France declaring to continue its deportation strategy deported more 8 thousand Roma Gypsies to Bulgaria and Romania since January.

Statement To Press From The Roma Association 17/09/2010
Cemil Akmaca, one of the authors of and the president of Roma Association, made a statement to the press. Akmaca said that if France Government continue to deport immigrant Roma, France Government will fail the class about human rights. Here is the full text of the statement:

"Deportation policy of France Government indicates the degree of respect France Government shows to human rights! France which is known as one of the countries respectful to human rights uses Hitles's strategies these days. Demolition of migrant settlements and the deportation policy of France Government doesn't suit any article of European Convention on Human Rights. This events show that France claiming Roma to be despised in my country for many years should take some democracy lessons from The Turkish Republic. There isn't this kind of racist policies which is planned by the government in my country. Governments should protect the human rights. These policies against Roma are unconscionable and unacceptable.

Let Roma to chose their lifestyle with in the frame of human rights and the principles of The European Union. If France doesn't take any democray lessons from the people governing my country, France Government will fail the class about human rights.

We are condemning these racist policies targeting our brothers and our sisters!

President of The Roma Association
Cemil Akmaca"

Source: Cingeneyiz Istanbul

Hungarian Racists Claimed to Isolate Gypsies 28/09/2010
Deportation policy of French Government to deport Roma Gypsies came from Balkans recently sets off hostility against Gypsies. A suprising offer came from the Jobbic Party known with its racist policies targeting Gypsies in Hungary. They want Gypsies to be settled in concentration camps..

Jobbic Party declared that efforts to entegrate Gypsies doesn't work and to isolate Gypsies will be best action for European peoples. A reaction came from Socialist Party governing before the Party of Young Democrats about the speech of Jobbic Party: "We think that the explanations of Jobbic are ugly and unacceptable. I hope they don't want to put Hungarian people into concentration camps. The worst thing is that Fidesz Government doesn't put some distance between Jobbic Party's claims and itself. We, again, make a call to the government to stay out of these kind of speechs and ideologies."

Gypsy population raising to 700000 of Hungary mostly lives in the north-eastern sides of the country where Jobbic party have more power. Unemployment is really high among Gypsies living in these places. In the elections existed last april, racist Jobbic Party joined to the parliament for the first time.

Source: Euronews

Finland Discussing to Forbid Begging 25/10/2010
It's being discussed to forbid begging and to accept beggars as guilty in Finland. Existing of families being forced to beg among Gypsies migrated to the country from Balkan Geography sets off discussing about the process.

After explanation of the president of Finland offering not to give any money to "Gypsy beggars", foreign minister of the country, Alexander Stubb said that they are discussing on a plan about forbidding of begging in a tv program he participated. Stubb also added he doesn't believe forbidding of begging would be a solution to any problem.

Minister pointed an alternative solutions for Gypsy people should be planned all over the Europe in contemplation of local efforts would be useless. Stupp made an open call to European countries to create a common financial program to solve the problems Gypsy people faces during the budget discussions planned to be organized in the next couple of weeks.

The minister emphasized that begging problem of Gypsies could not be solved without common efforts of European countries. Forbidding of begging won't be meaningful by itself according to the Minister. Stupp said that begging could be classify as a crime if there are some crime organizations forcing people to beg. However beggars won't be guilty also in this context.


Frenc Government Also Collecting Finger Prints 29/10/2010
New decision about migration policy of French Government will cause discussions again. It's decided to collect finger prints of the Roma Gypsies have been deported from France. A similar policy was performed by the Italian government before.

İmmigration Ministry of France declared they will collect finger prints of Roma Gypsies will be sent from France to Bulgaria and Romania hence October. France governmen are in doubt about returning of deported Gypsies, who got some money promised them in exchange for accepting to be deported, to France and want to be paid again. France gives 300 Euro for adults and 150 Euro for children and claims that Roma leave France with their own will.

Collecting of biometric information gets reaction of human rights organizations blaming French government for discriminating an ethnic minority. Deporting policy of France was also protested and European Commission have started a legal action against French government. European Commission gave some extra time France to make new laws accepting right to move freely. One of the members of the Europen Commission compared situation with the events lived during the 2th World War. However, France President Nicholas Sarkozy claimed they have the right to deport Roma Gypsies who don't have a job.

Source: Haberturk

Raising Threat In Europe: Racism 12/11/2010
Racism is raising in Europe openly. We could realize this rise with a molotov cocktail burning Gypsy houses all around Europe; with some euro given to Gypsy families, deported from European countries, as hush money or with wounds of an immigrant attacked by drunk racists regardless of being Gypsy or not!

Not only racist attacks. There is another indicator for rise of racism. Racist parties outvoted in the elections existed in last few years. This shows racist policies started to be supported by a group of European voters. This situation threatens in general humanity but especially future of the Europe Union, belived to be a democracy project.

Racist Attack Targeting Gypsies In France

Since October 28, France is not only a country where Gypsies could be deported from but also a country where Gypsies could face racist attacks. People gunned and masked attacked a Gypsy camp in Triel-Sur-Seine which is one of the biggest ghettos of Paris at October 28.

Two civilian car with police car siren joined the camp in the early hours of October 28, Thursday. Attackers with police uniform were masked and gunned. They got out from the cars. They started to random shot. They also attacked and damaged Gypsies's caravans with sticks in their hands.

Attackers peeled off a Gypsy womans clothes by force. They took personel documents like passport, identification cars... Attacks just like this have happened in other European countries like Italy, Hungary, Czech Republic in last few years. Situation in parliaments of European countries, being hoped to find solutions to the problem, are also bad as it's in streets.

Rise of the Racist Parties

Racist parties outvoted in elections since 2000. A racist party, which have the word democrat in its name (Swedish Democrats) in spite of having policies against muslims and immigrants and offering authoritative policies about the problems deriving from the economic crisis, won 20 chair in Swedis Parliament. Vote percentages of taken by the other racist parties in Europe show how big the threat is. National Front: in France % 11,9; North League in Italy: %8,3; People Party of Switzerland: %28,9; Jobbik in Hungaria: %16,7; Growth Party in Norway: %22,9. These vote percentages are enough to make racist parties partners of coalition governments or effective determining of critical decisions just the ones like about situation of immigrants.

On the other hand some of the racist parties (like jobbik) have relationships with paramilitary organizations making appearances with uniforms and racist symbols often. Racist parties could support paramilitary organizations indirectly. Some of them have organic relationships with paramiliatary organizations. So there is racist line between street and parliament. There are so many web pages, forum, online networks and shops selling flags with racist symbols supporting the line in various ways. This situation show racism, which was marginal in the past is being popular today.

Racism, which was accepted as a way of policy making of a few presumptuous marginal people for only 15 years ago, is something more than social deviance of a few presumptuous people. Racism is turning to an usual part of daily life in Europe. Worse than this, it start to become a power in European parliaments. If the situation of being a marginal policy being limited in small street demonsrations become reversed? In other words, if only way of making policy for anti-racists starts to be small street demonstrations and anti-racists become marginal; and then what happens?

From Where To Where?

The Second World War showed the danger of mass destruction policy of fascism. Millions of people were killed in gas chambers, concentration camps. Many measures were taken after the war to hinder repeating of the events lived in the war. Thus the main reason of founding of The United Nation was to have lasting peace. Founding of The European Union was one of the results of the will of European nations through not to war but to ply a trade among themselves. Main aim of founding of the European Union was to let capital, labour and goods to move freely without being stopped by borders and to serve out earnings equally among member states. It's not possible to say this ideal could completely be realised.

Today, member states are not fighting with eachother. However there are some problems about the right to move and to settle freely for people without vocational education. People are being hindered to use the right to move freely in various ways. This prevention is generally being legitimated with the claim of immigrants to join criminal activities.

On the other, the economic crisis causes people living in the European Union to lose some ot their life standarts. Government parties are trying to create solutions long and short termed about economic crisis not to lose government. Finding a sacrificial lamb is one of easiest one of short-termed solutions to hide responsibility of government parties about the crisis.

The sacrificial lamb is generally Gypsies or immigrants as a category including Gypsies. When a social or ethnic group become sacrificial lamb, this means "the true" place people could reflect their anger to is founded. Without leaving policies to create sacrificial lambs, rise of racism would not be stopped and racism will spread as an usual part of daily life.

Some Critical Questions

There is two indicator for us showing it's time to think seriously about the rise of racism: The racist attack is organized by a group of people with police uniform. The racist attack is existed in a country, France, accepted as a source of inspiration for democracy. Let's make an addiction to this thinking process about the rise of racism with some questions:

1-Isn't the experience of Germany during the 2th World War enough to understand how kind of a threat racism is for humanity? Should all countries have their own fascisms to understand the situation?

2-Are racists changing their position with anti-racists? Are anti-racists losing their power in parliaments? If racists decisions start to rise coming from parliaments, street demonstration could make any influence on parliaments organized by anti-rasists?

3-Is the enlargement process of the European Union only a political strategy today? Are the importance of Copenhagen Accession Criteria decreasing to accept new members? Are there any relationship with acceptance of Bulgaria and Romania to the Union and the rise of racism?

4-Are the mechanism created for integration of new member states suitable for contemporary circumstances? Is it need to create new integration policies suitable to new circumstances existed with globalization?

5-Is only allocating funds enough to solve problems of disadvantaged groups living in the Union?Should new policies to stop the rise of racism and help disadvantaged groups on health, housing and employment topics be created?

Source: For the details of racist attack in France:

Compiled by Cingeneyiz International

Is The Child Mom Responsible For The Situation? 19/11/2010
A Gypsy female child 10 aged gave birth in Spain. Even some neighbours claimed the girl to be a few older than 10 age, it's still true that a child gave birth. Father of the baby is a Roma Gypsy from Romania 13 aged. Young couple migrated to Romania with their families. However, they were divorced a few later. Teenage mother returned to Spain to live together with her family. Spain authorities claim that they will make provision for health of the baby and the mom. But isn't it better to make provisions before a child give birth?

NGOs all over the Europe start to discuss the problem of child mothers with the event. Journalists, activists, NGOs asked again and again the question "isn't 10 age too early to give birth?" with statemens they published. However the authories, who have to be accepted responsible for the situation in reality, avoided the issue with thin statements. Maybe this is a way to be relaxed and to hide their responsibility.

Goverments' social policies have to hinder the problem of giving birth in early ages ,which threaten health of the child mother and make her impossible to have education, under normal conditions. Benefiting from this social policies is the right of all citizens. If any citizen could not benefit from these social policies, it's right to guestion success of the policies.

As we see in this situation, it's common for authorities pass the buck of tragedies like the event giving birth in early ages to victims of tragedies when they are not able to question their policies. Expressions we see in mass media after the event like "Why Gypsies give birth in early ages?", "Is it true to give birth at this age?" aim to hide the strategy of the authorities to put the responsibility of the situation on victims shoulders. If a female child from any part of society give birth in early ages, the authorities who don't make provision at the right time are responsible for the situation, not the victims! Because, all children are under the protection of government with their family until they reach lawful age.

Responsibility of giving birth in early ages belongs to government of the country, where child and its family live in, according to all kind of agreements determining child rights. We have to emphasize that everybody under 18 age is accepted as "child" without asking their ethnicity, language, religion or sect according to definition written in the agreements accepted by all of world states. Universal Declaration of Human Rights also emhasize that all children have the right to be taken care. Related to this, it's indicated that children have to be kept under special protection in Declaration of The Rights of Children signed at 1959. Beside this, it's written in the Convention of The Rights of Children signed at 1989 by all states except USA and Somali: "Contracting countries accept that all children have the right to have a life standard providing their physical, moral, psychological and social growing." (Article 27/1)

Contracting countries are responsible for making laws suitable to the agreements in their national law. If a female child gives birth in any country, her being Gypsy or not is never important. The thing important about the situation is that she is a child. Providing a secure environment for the child is the responsibility of governments. Neglecting to do this duty will cause terrible disasters like giving birth at 10 ten age. NGOs, activists and journalists shouldn't approach the issue with ethnic prejudices. This is not something about ethnicity. This is something about moral responsibility of the authorities.

Source: Cingeneyiz International

A Dalit Is Lynched In India 22/11/2010
Members of dalit caste, whose members are mostly Indian Gysies (peripatetic), were subjected to violence again. A dalit man 55 aged was beaten to death by members of upper castes in the Bihar region of India.

The event, which gets huge reaction from Dalit groups in the region, is indignant. Security forces are inquiring into 32 people from upper castes who are believed to join the lynch attempt. Accorging to police, the event took place when the dalit Lal Babu Ram was crossing the field Gurmiya Village owned to a landowner from upper caste.

Two upper caste member named Deepak Thakur and Satendar Thakur allegedly started beating up Ram with sticks on the account of the fact that Ram didn't accept to work for the landowner previous day. Then the other upper caste members around also attacked to the Dalit. Lal Babu Ram succumbed to his injuries in the same day. Deepak Thakur and Satendar Thakur were arrested. It's also said that investigation is continuing about the others joining lynch attempt.



Crime and Gypsies In Europe 1 26/11/2010
It's easy to find explanations of authorities blaming Gypsies to be potential criminals on the internet. Explanations from authorities of European states; just like Mayors and government authorities of Italy; the prime minister of Finland, the prime minister of French government; including a discriminative discourse with those kind of sentences "Gypsies break the law are largely visible in any kind of mass media. It is the best way to response this approach with new questions. Why does Gypsies break the law if they do? Crime is a result or a reason?

IIt would be easier to answer those questions if we have a closer look at explanations and applications maden by authorities about the relation of Gypsy and crime. Our first station is Italy.

Country: Italy
Who is responsible for the application: Roberto Maroni, Interior Minister and a member of racist North League Party
Application: Targeting of finger prints of immigrant Gypsies.

Maroni is the minister of country where 160.000 migrant Roma Gypsies from eastern Europe live. It was pronounced that finger prints of migrant Gypsies would be collected. It was also claimed that migrant Gypsies joined to criminal activities and the reason of raising percentage of crime rat was Gypsies. This was the reason why finger print of migrant Gypsies would be targeted and Gypsies would be deported. It wouldn't also be possible for migrant Gypsies to come the country again. This was the way Maroni to stop crime.

Application was started in Rome and Naples. It was written in local newspapers that officials were categorizing migrants according to their age, education level and ethnicity after targeting finger prints. Then, children under 14 age were excluded with explanations and motion of censure, however it didn't have any cohesiveness, accepted with 336 vote against 220 vote in European Parliament. However Maroni insist on that main reason of the application was to protect children from crime.

Gypsies are being accepted as one of the main reasons of raising percentage of crime rate by Italian publicity. That's why there is nobody reacting this application except some NGOs. Application of targeting of finger prints is being implemented for two years and still active.

Gypsies in the country are living in almost 700 camps under hard conditions. Eviction of these camps was started at 2010. Residents of camps evicted until now were not offered anywhere to settle. Gypsies lived in guesthouse of municipality during eviction. It is mostly unknown that where the families evicted from camps live. It is possible either they moved to the camps not evicted yet or they are trying to live in abandoned building illegally. It's also possible that some of them returned to eastern Europe. Children are not able to enroll in a school without a legal housing. Many of them have to beg as a result of having no chance to get education or a formal job. Worse, many of them would be a part of various criminal activities under these conditions. Some of these brothers and sisters are dying in prison. Some others are dying at streets.

Let's ask our questions again in view of the fact that, Italy example! Did anything change about crime rates after starting of the application of targeting finger prints? Are there any Gypsy people, who lived in camps before evictions, being forced to join criminal activities by the recent hard conditions in last two years? Authorities, who accept targeting finger prints and stigmatizing Gypsy as usual suspects is the best way to struggle against crime, have to answer these questions.

Source: Cingeneyiz International

Crime and Gypsies In Europe 2 03/12/2010
The second part of the evaluation we made about rising rates of crime in Europe and influence of this situation to Gypsies is about Finland and Sweden. Finland and Sweden are scandinavian countries believed to be two of the richest ones of Europe with in average 5 million population and a well developed industry. These countries ,where per capita income is higher than European average, are some of the places where Gypsies from Balkans migrate to much. There are both immigrant Gypsies and indigineous Gypsies in these countries. The events, which make Gypsies scape goat, influenced negatively either immigrant and indigenous Gypsies.

Sweden: It's Forbidden To Join Shops With Tradional Cloths

It's possible to see notes on doors of shopping malls saying entering Gypsies with traditional cloths is forbidden in Sweden. Gypsy women traditionally wear big skirts. It's started to believed that Gypsy women use their skirts as a camouflage for things they steal. Gypsy women are blamed collectivelly for the individual incidents happened in the past.

On the other hand, immigrant Gypsies are also facing similar kind of problems. Sweden ,which called victims of genocide after secon world war to the country, could not make available policies on the issue even it's not forbidden Gypsies to come the country. Although indigenous Gypsies have better conditions about the topics like housing, education and employment, immigrant Gypsies still have problems about the topics. Especially, while it's being discussed to gather Gypsies begging from the streets, it's never being mentioned what will these people do to subsist? Sweden also don't have a consistent immigrant policy which could determine future of immigrant Gypsies. There are some racist organizations in the country even they haven't attacked to the people yet. They support the idea to stop accepting immigrants as citizens and deporting of unemployed immigrants.

Finland: Don't Give Money To Beggars

The most discussed event of 2010 in Finland, to where immigrant Gypsies from Eastern Europe come , was offering of the prime minister, Matti Vanhanen not to give money to beggars. Even it's also mentioned to forbid begging in Finland, alternative subsistence ways for people being forced to beg never spoken.

Gypsies come to the country with at the most 200 euros and start to beg according to a research maden by sociologist Marjatta Vessailen from Diaconed Instute. Gypsies, who were working as musicians or pedlars in the countries they came from, are not able to to do older jobs of them except a small lucky minority in Finland. Politicians are trying to forbid only solution of them against the situation, begging. Indigenous Gypsy are more entegrated with the works of Scandanavian Gypsy Union established at 1973. However , they are being influenced by the economic crisis especially about the unemploymen topic.

Source: Cingeneyiz International

Crime and Gypsies In Europe 3 10/12/2010
The third part of our article series named "Crime and Gypsies In Europe" is about France. On the one hand, France is the country of the principles, "Equality, Freedom and Justice.". On the other hand, France, as one of the oldest members of European Union, is a country from where Roma Gypsies are being deported.

1230 Roma Gypsy were deported from France in the context of "Initiative against crime" started by Sarkozy at July 28, 2010. Reasons of deportations are claimed to be illegal settlements of Roma Gypsies and being involved in crime (prostitution and begging) of Roma Gypsies.

Gypsies deported had came from Bulgaria and Romania. So, Gypsies deported are also citizens of European Union and they have the right to move freely. The oldest members of European Union including France have the right to limit working and settling of immigrant citizen without raising 7 years. However, French government have announced that they subdue these limitations to support entegration of new member states at 2008. After a while later, French government start to deport Roma Gypsies at 2009. Now, there are at least 12000 Roma Gypsies deported.

To be French Citizen or Not To Be

To evaluate the issue in the context of relation between citizenship and immigration make possible to know the whole story. First of all, we have to ask the question that what does being a French citizen means? There is no need to be descendants of older French citizens to be a contemporary French citizen. You have to live in France and share the same destiny with other French citizens. From this standpoint, everybody who migrated to France, who work to subsist in France, who adapt to the rules of France have the right to be a French citizen. However reality is a little bit different.

The Others Of France: İmmigrant Citizens

There have always been others for France. Women and jews were others of France during French Revolution even everybody shouted the slogan "Equality, Freedom and Justice". Today, Gypsies, African people and the other immigrants are the others of France. Being other means to be discriminated even you are a citizen. It means a french police official to stop you and ask for identification because your skin is a little bit darker than the others. It means to be unemployed even you graduated from university. It means colour of your skin to be a good reason to be rejected for a job. The rate of unemployment is over %5 among French citizens. However, it's over %26,5 over other French citizens.

Immigrant Ghettos and Crime

Gypsies and Africans live in suburban areas together in France. They are coming to the city together everyday. They are looking for a job. They are collecting paper or scrap. They are being humiliated and discriminated because of the colour of their skin or their origin.

If the rate of unemployment is %26,5 in a getto, people living in there how could find any food to eat? What could you do if you are unable to find of a job because you are immigrant? Howmuch money could you make collecting scrap or paper? Everybody know the answers... If you can not find a job, you can not make money. If you don't have money, you can't eat healthily and it will be possible for you to die young. And it's also possible for you not to be able to send your children to school. While these events were happening around you, it's possible for you to involve in crime activities!

These things are happening in French ghettos. In 2005, unemploment and discrimination caused a kind of rebellion in Paris ghettos. The government suppress the uprising with violence. A ministry dealing with immigration and "national identity" was established. What did the ministry do?

-They prepared a draft law making more difficult immigration to France for people who are unemployment and unable to speak French and not familiar with "French culture". The law was enacted.

-French government start to deport people who are not familiar with "French culture"! It's planned 28000 immigrants to be deported. However they added 2000 immigrants to this list in reality and 30000 immigrants were deported.

-They start to publish a web page asking about the mean of French citizenship.

At the end... There was an other rebellion in an other ghetto where mostly Gypsies lived in Grenoble at 2010 July. After the event, Sarkozy starts the initiative against crime and Gypsies started to be deported with their "own wish".

Now, we have some question to ask? What does french citizenship means and Why the rebellion in Gypsy ghetto existed?

A State Ashamed Of Its Citizens: Romania 20/12/2010
Romanian government didn't defend its citizens with Gypsy origin about the problems which exist in conjuction with hard life conditions Roma Gypsy face in the other EU member countries since 2007. On the contrary, Romanian officials show that they are ashamed of being confusing with Roma Gypsy because of name similarity.

On the top of it, a member of Romanian ruling party, Liberal Democrat Party, brought in a strange bill. It's being offered Roma Gypsy to define officially as Tigan according to the bill. Altough president Traian Basescu emphasized that he won't confirm the bill even it's accepted in the parliament, it's already a terrible situation that the bill was brought in. Because law's preamble is that citizens of EU confuse Roma Gypsy with Romanians.

Too many Roma Gypsy have started to migrate to western countries of EU in the hope of reaching a better life after being a member of European Union of Romania. During this process, some politicians prefered to make Roma scapegoat to evade the responsibility of economic crisis. Roma Gypsy migrated from Bulgaria and Romania were shown as a threat by the politicians in conjuction with raising rate of criminal events as a result of economic crisis. At the end, French government started to deport immigrant Roma Gypsies...

Response of Romanian goverment to this events were too poor. They have almost done nothing to improve life confitions of Roma Gypsies who were deported from France. It's funny that the only serious efforts of Romanian government about Roma Gypsy have been the shamefull law draft in the period.

May well be Romanian goverment is ashamed of the situation. So they want to sever all ties with Roma Gypsy with name changing policy. Name of Romanian is related with Roma Empire according to official historian of Romania. On the one hand, authorities and some citizens of Romania are ashamed of having same name Roma Gypsy. On the other hand, they are proud of bearing the name of Great Roman Empire. They believe that name similarity between Roma Gypsy and name of Romania casts a slur on "great history of Romania".

This approach is clearly racist. Roma Gypsy have the right to protest the racist bill of these people who are ashamed of being confused with Roma Gypsy. Because nobody has the right to change name of an ethnic group. People define themselves. People can change their name with only their own wish.

It's also not a scientifical offer to use "Tigan" instead of Roma. As we emphasized in our web page many times, the term Tigan / Cigan / Çingene is an umbrella generic term defining many different ethnic groups. Roma is a district ethnic group with its own language, Romanes, and its own history. Roma are also defined by others as Tigani and in some cases they defined themselves as Tigan. However Roma are only one branch of Tigani. The term Tigan / Cigan / Çingene is the name of peripatetic and late-peripatetic societies living in a wide geography. Using Tigan / Cigan / Çingene which is the name of a social category instead of Roma which is the name of a district ethnic group is illogical.

We have to defend the right of Roma Gypsies to define themselves under all circumstances. We, as Ç family, are supporting our brothers and sisters living in Romania under difficult life conditions and we condemn the racist law draft. However our approach is different from the ones who are ashamed of their Tigan / Cigan / Çingene social origin and who want to make their ancestors' lifestyle forget using Roma ethnic name as a camouflage. We are not agree with the entellectuals who think the only problem of our peoples is name changing. We are happy with both our Tigan / Cigan / Çingene social origin and our Roma ethnic culture. We never refuse our Ciganipe and we never forget our Romanipe.

Source: Cingeneyiz International

Dalit Girls Burnt Alive 24/12/2010
Two dalit girls were burnt alive by an angry crowd in Moradabad region of Uttar Pradesh state of India. Dalits from Valmiki group organize protest demonstrations against the massacre.of Moradabad.

Rayo Devi, the mother of victim girls who witnessed to the event, tells that a group of people gathered around their house at Saturday night. They entered to the house and set girls up on fire. Even Devi tried to save her children, she was not able to help them. The girls burned to death calamitously. It's claimed that the event was requital to a murder and robbery event of which brothers of the victim girls accused. However, a team of human right activist, who came to the region to investigate the event, emphasized that claims targeting brothers of the girls could be fabricated to legalize the situation. Investigation about the event is still continuing. Valmiki dalits who organize protest demonstrations after the event ask people who are responsible for this massacre to be arrested.

Valmikis are one of the groups who are accepted as out-caste by member of upper castes in India. Main occupation of Valmikis is scavenging according to caste system. Today, most of the members of Valmiki groups still subsist on scavenging streets smutched by the members of upper castes even caste system was forbidden officially many times ago.

Source: Round Table India, The Hindu, One India News

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