Wednesday, December 11, 2013

DÜNYA 2011

High Tension In Greece 17/01/2011
A motorcycle policeman run away after he crashed a Gypsy girl 7 aged. The girl taken to a hospital after the incident and lost her life there. The incident caused a great anger among Gypsy community of Athens.

Gypsies living in suburban areas of the city started to gather in Medini district of Athens after the incident is heard at January 5th.They put flowers and toys to the place where the police officer crashed the Gypsy girl. Then they started to set rubbish bins up on fire. Railway which is so close to the place were out of use for almost 3 hours. Protest demonstrations continued throughout the night. There have been some minor lacerations. The police officer 22 aged was arrested according to statement maden by the ministry of interior. After the statement, people calmed down.

It's believed that the protests were provoked by the police officer to run away after he crashed the girl. Family of the girl claim the police officer purposely crashed the girl. They also claim that police officers have laid on begging and flower selling Gypsies many times before.


Petition For International Roma Woman's Day 07/03/2011
A Petition for recognition of October 8th as "International Roma Woman's Day" was organized in the "1th International Roma Woman Congress" held in Barcelona on 2010, October 8th, 9th and 10th. You can also support the campaign signing petition.

More than 300 Roma women united in the congress held in Barcelona on 2010. They evaluated problems Roma women face all over the world in the congress and they also announced that they demand recognition of October 8th as "International Roma Woman's Day" with those words: "On the 8th, 9th and 10th of October, 2010 the "1st International Roma Women Congress: The Other Women", was held in Barcelona, Spain. Other women are non-academic women who are usually not present in spaces for dialogue, debate and knowledge. United in this conference, more than 300 Roma women from different countries created a dream: that the 8th of October be declared the "International Roma Women's Day", in recognition of the work of all Roma Women as a driving force behind social change and transformation."

Our editor and author Ali Mezarcıoğlu supported the campaign signing the petition. If you support the idea of recognition of October 8th as "International Roma Woman's Day", you can sign the petition using link below.

Sign Petition

Racist Terrorists Marched To The Neighbourhood 18/03/2011
The Gypsy neighbourhood in Gyöngyöspata town of Hungary is under threat of racist terrorists since March 1th.The terrorist group, who named themselves as "Civil Guard Association For A Better future", marched to the neighbourhood in black military clothing in March 6th. The terrorist group tries to do psychological pressure to the residents.

The members of the group "Civil Guard Association For A Better Future", who is said to be directly related to racist party Jobbik and racist terror organization Magyar Garda, claim that they are trying to stop "Gypsy crime". This is a camouflage to hide their real aim and to gain sympathy from publicity. It's clear that their real aim is to win much more supporters rising hostility against Gypsies.

The threat still continues for the residents. Group of almost 2500 persons marched to the neighbourhood. However they are stil around the neighbourhood. They continue to spread terror. They fire gun into the air at nights to frighten the residents. Children hesitate to go school with the fire of terrorists.

Existing of this kind on incidents in Hungary, which holds European Union presidency this year, disappoints either European Gypsies and sensible publicity of Europe. Ali Mezarcıoğlu, our author and the editor of our web page, evaluated the issue with those words:

"We shouldn't think that the incidents is an exceptional case. Racist parties and racist terror groups are being organized for a long time all over the Europe. They established racist unions in eastern and western side of the Europe. They are creating racist strategies to darken future of the Europe. Their primary aim is to announce Gypsies as the biggest problem of the Europe. They want to create a big hostility against Gypsies among usual persons. Then they will have much more power organizing the hatred. When they will have enough power, they will attack the others...

All sensible citizens of the Europe and we, as Gypsies, have to stop this process. Although racist terror groups are getting stronger day by day, organizations representing Gypsies are weak and fragmented. Until we create stronger organizations to represent and to advocate our people, racist terrorist won't hesitate to march to our neighbourhoods, to threat our individuals, to make our people scapegoat of the Europe. Surely, it's not only our obligation to do something against rising racism. All European citizens have to use their full potantials to stop rising racism.

We, as Ç family, feel the pain of our brothers and sisters living in Gyöngyöspata as our own pain. We damn the racist terror targeting our people!"

Source: ERRC-RIS Network

Gypsies of Komotini Demand Better Housing Conditions 26/09/2011
Citizens living in shanties in Komotini city of Greece demand houses with better housing conditions which were promised to be built for them by authorities as soon as possible. Gypsies of Komotini are disappointed because they still live in shanties although politicians promised them to build new houses before each election for almost 14 years.

Authorities promised citizens living in shanties in Gümülcine to built new houses in Tuzcu village almost 1,5 years ago for them. However the issue was brougt to trial when residents of Tuzcu village refused to live together with Gypsies. The court decided that the lands in Tuzcu village would be designated for building of houses for Gypsies and residents of Tuzcu village will be paid 800000 euro.

Komotini municipality have to pay 800000 euro to residents of Tuzcu village in 18 months according to court decision. Otherwise citizens living in shanties will lose their rights to have houses in Tuzcu village. Gypsies of Komotini worry that municipality haven't paid the money until now despite 17 months to pass. Some citizens evaluating the issue claimed that the money came from EU funds but misused by the municipality.

Gypsies of Komotini, who have the chance to live in better housing conditions with the court decision given 17 months ago, hope authorities of Komotini municipality to do their duties related with the court decision. Otherwise they will be obligated to live in shanties...

Source: Çingeneyiz Komotini

Photos: Iakovos Hatzistavrou

Discussions On Foundation Of Roma Party In Czech Republic 18/10/2011
Foundation of a Roma party which will be focused on solution of social problems of Gypsies and overcoming of hatred against Gypsies is being discussed among Roma entellectuals these days in Czech Republic. Some people believe that a Roma party will be a magic wand to save Gypsies. Some others believe that it will be frustrated.

People who find favourable foundation of a new Roma party believe that it will creat a positive atmosphere and this will fall the tension between Gypsies and other ethnic groups. On the other hand, people who critisize foundation of a new Roma party believe that it would only be a family organization or a local activity just like the older experiments.

The mail goal for foundation of a new Roma party is to solve social problems of Gypsies and overcoming hostility against Gypsies. However not only Romani speaking Gypsies suffer from hostility against Gypsies and social problems. The other Gypsy groups who don't speak Romani share similar difficulties with Roma Gypsies sourced from same social problem. It's also an other issue of discussion that how foundation of an ethnic party could solve problems sourced from social stratification.


Here Is Indian Gypsies 24/10/2011
India is a country in where various Gypsy peoples live. These Gypsy peoples who speak different languages and live in different regions of India subsist on traditional Gypsy occupations as peripatetic communities like their ancestors or they subsist on jobs which non-Gypsies don't prefer to do on account of the fact that they lost their traditional occupations.

Musician langhas, animal trainer Nats including snake charmer and dancer Saperas, Banjaras who subsist on various Gypsy occupations, rope producer Birhors, Korwas and Mahalis who produce baskets, Rabhas who subsist on weawing, wedding musicians and drum players Parayiars, shoe-maker Sakkiliyars, blacksmith, basketmaker and musician Kotas and street cleaner Valmikis are some of the most known Gypsy peoples of India. There are some other Gypsy people living in India.

India is a country in where universal caste system between Gypsies and non-Gypsies is the most visible clearly. Members of upper castes generally classify Gypsy peoples as out caste untouchables and try to hinder any kind of personal relations with members of Gypsy peoples. Universal caste discrimination between Gypsies and non-Gypsies which exists tacitely in many other parts of the world is blindingly obvious in India.

Superstitions Divide Humanity Everywhere 26/10/2011
One of the most important supporters of universal caste system which divides humanity as Gypsies and non-Gypsies is the legends superstitiously. Each of these legends we see everywhere in which Gypsy peoples live are about different things. On the other hand, main similarity of these legends is that they legitimize prejudices targeting Gypsies.

An incident is generally explained in legends targeting Gypsies without showing any proof. It's common in these legends that ancestors of commentary Gypsies make a mistake. And because of the mistake all generations of Gypsy peoples are cursed according to the legends. Aside from the reality that no one could be blamed because of a mistake maden by their ancestors, these legends are comletely lie and unfounded. They are being used to strenghen prejudices targeting our people.

A legend told in India claims ancestors of Richi Gypsies ate an animal which was dedicated to a Hindu god. Because of this behaviour Richi Gypsies were cursed. A similar version of this legend tells that Jat Gypsies of Afghanistan ate haram ( forbidden foods according to islam religion). There are also some legends about Nyamakalaw Gypsies to eat forbidden foods according to local religion in Africa. Shiah Muslims of East Turkestan claims that ancestors of Abdal Gypsies ate rabbit which is a forbidden food according to Shiah İslam and cursed because of this behaviour. A legend which is common among Christian societies claims that Gypsies produced nails which were used to crucify Jesus. An other legend told in Islam countries blame Gypsies to be descendants of Cin and Gan who have incest relationship while Prophet Abraham were thrown into the fire by the king Nemrut.

Universality of legends targeting Gypsies is one of the most important proofs of existence of universal caste system dividing humanity as Gypsies and non-Gypsies. Non-Gypsies make up these legends to legitimize their negative and discriminative behaviours against Gypsies. These legends don't depend un any written resources. There is nothing about the claims related with prophet Abraham and Jesus in any written sources. Claims about eating of forbidden foods are directly related with paganic rituals of curse process. It's clearly unlogical to believe that anyone's eating forbidden foods could cause next generations to be cursed.

Gypsies have to show that these legends are fabrication. Humanity is a big family altough universal caste system divides it as Gypsies and non-Gypsies. The first step to break caste wall dividing humanity is to throw off the legends' mask.

How Old The Word "Çingene-Çıgany-Tsigani" 01/11/2011
"If you are rich, they call you as prince or general
If you are poor, they call you as Abdal or Çingene..."
Neşet Ertaş

Çingene-Çıgany-Tsigani is one of most common words which define people who are the victims of universal caste system which divides humanity according to subsistence ways. Some sources which have already started to be forgotten and are mostly ignored show that the word Çingene could be older 2500 years contrary to common belief.

The word Çingene in the form of Çıgany and yok-çıgany was used on one face of Orhun Sculptures which was erected between a.d 500-700 in middle asia purporting poor as an opposite word to prince. Poverty is something mostly tribal in contradistinction to modern-day. Tribes who have big animal stocks, agricultural lands and who are strong warriors are believed to be rich and governor tribes. On the other hand, tribes whose animal stocks, agricultural lands and forests in where they had huntered and gathered were captured by others were poor tribes.

Tribes who have no other possibility to subsist were serving some services and producing some craft productions for other tribes in exchange of food. When we look at the issue from this perspective, it is so understandable why the word Çıgany was used with meaning of poor in Orhun Sculptures and how it transformed to an umbrella word including all Gypsy peoples. The words Çıgany and yok-Çıgany are still being used to define Gypsy peoples in Balkan countries today.

An other information which makes more interesting the issue is that historian Heredot refered a tribe named Sigynnae in his book. The word sigynnae was the name of a peddler(blacksmith) tribe living in Balkans according to Heredotus. It's clearly understood that the tribe lived in Balkans 2800 years ago was a typical Gypsy tribe. On the other hand, Heredotus says that the word Sigynnae was not only the name of a tribe in some regions of Europe. It was also a generic term used with meaning of peddler. This also shows that it could be possible that the word Sigynnae was an umbrella term defining an universal caste, Gypsy Universal Nation.

What does it mean that we see the same word in a similar meaning contexts either in middle asia 1500 years ago and in Balkans 2800 years ago? Is it possible that the word Çingene-Çıgany-Tsigani derived from the language of an old society from which Balkan and Middle asian civilizations originated from? How old is the word? It's not easy to answer this question. Anyway, it's clear that origin of the word Çingene-Çıgany-Tsigani which is the most common name of peoples who are victims of universal caste system is implicit in the depths of history.

Gypsy Woman Sterilised Forcibly Won The Honor Struggle 11/11/2011
The Gypsy woman who was sterilised in a public hospital in Slovakia won the honor struggle she started. The European Courts of Human Rights ordered Slovakia to pay 43000 £ to the Gypsy woman. Forced sterilization practices which have been done in some other European countries before the incident are being cursed by all world Gypsies.

The Gypsy woman borned in 1980 named V. C. was sterilised in a public hospital which is being managed by the Health Ministry in Eastern Slovakia. The European Courts of Human Rights ordered Slovakia to pay 43000£ on account of the fact that Slovakia violated basic articles of The European Convention of Human Rights. It's such an important case because the judgment of The European Courts of Human Rights is the first one dealing with forced sterilisations.

Forced sterilisation practices which are being condemned vehemently by world Gypsies shows that racist mentality still exists in 21th century. Racists who have tried to mow down Gypsies with population policies, forced sterilisations and all-out slaughters since Nadzis can damage our people in unimagined places and times today.


Traces of Gypsies On The Ancient Civilization 21/11/2011
Archaeological proofs show that Gypsies contributed to foundation and spreading of Indus Valley Civilization which is one of the oldest civilizations of humanity. It's strongly possible that Craft productions owned to Indus Valley Civilization were carried to Mesopotamia and middle east by Gypsies. Gypsies sowed seeds of the civilization to new lands.

Indus Valley Civilization was a society in which crafts and craftsmen were in an important position 4500 years ago. Some archaeologists say that Gypsy peoples had an important role in foundation and spreading of Indus Valley Civilization. It's believed that trade journeys of Gypsy peoples strongly influenced spreading of crafts including metal working to Mesopotamia and middle east.

A living proof of connection between Gypsy peoples and Indus Valley Civilization is the metal working of Dhokra Gypsies living in Bengal region of India. The niceties of Dhokra art depending on producing statues using various metals are only known by Dhokra Gypsies today. The most important data convincing us that there is an important connection between Gypsy peoples and Indus Valley Civilization is that the oldest examples of Dhokra statues founded in Mohenjo Daro which is one of the important settlements of Indus Valley Civilization. It's also interesting that the dancing girl statue produced with dhokra technique 4500 years ago reflects universal power of Gypsy women.

Source: Ali Mezarcıoğlu Çingenelerin Kitabı Cinius Yayınları (Ali Mezarcıoğlu The Book of Gypsies Cinius Publishing Company)

International Society Can't Save Gypsies 24/11/2011
European Roma and Travellers Forum made a statement about racist terror targeting Gypsies in the meeting of ad hoc committee of Experts On Roma Issues in İstanbul. It's said in the statement that "the international community deplores the rising anti-Gypsyism and then forgets all about it.". There have been so many incidents proving racist terror is deadly for Gypsies.

It's emphasized that anti-Gypsy mentalities are getting more and more usual in Europe in the statemen in which the European Council have been asked to prioritise the struggle against anti-Gypsyism. It's said in the statement that economic crisis and politic turmoils force people to look for a scapegoat to blame for their pains and this situation influences rising of anti-Gypsyism.

Contrary to the statement of ERTF, some scholars claims that racist terror targeting Gypsies is not only a result of spontaneous reactions against economic crisis and politic turmoils. The scholars, who claims racist terror targeting Gypsies have a secret agenda to isolate and to compress Gypsies in narrow areas in Balkan geogpraphy, say that racist terror groups and racist political parties made an arrengement not declared yet to terrorise Gypsies.

Source: Human Rights Europe

Living Witnesses Of Gypsy History: Batwa-Twa Gypsies 25/11/2011
Peoples, whose animal stocks, lands and forest lands in where they hunted and gathered were captured mostly started to subsist on peripatetic ways of subsistence and became a part of Gypsy Universal Nation. Twa-Batwa Gypsies who started to use peripatetic ways of subsistence when their natural resources were captured in last 60 years are living witnesses of the process.

They are the indigenous people of central Africa. Batwa-Twa natural human beings who subsisted on huntering and gathering for thousands of years in great rain forests of the central Africa are living in Uganda, Konga, Rwanda, Burundi today. They have been evicted from rain forests they lived in for thousands of years since 1960's on account of the fact that natural parks would be built there. So they lost their natural resources. They started to subsist on peripatetic ways of subsistence to survive.

Batwa-Twa Gypsies who subsist on pottery, basket-making, musicianship, dancing, entertainment face many problems which other peoples who are members of Gypsy Universal Nation face. Twa-Batwa Gypsies having real problems about accession to education, health services and housing conditions complain to be accepted as 2th class citizens in the countries they live in.

History of Batwa-Twa Gypsies, who are living witnesses of a victimhood shared by many different peoples through the human history, in last 60 years enlightens general history of Gypsy Universal Nation.

Source: Ali Mezarcıoğlu Çingenelerin Kitabı Cinius Yayınları (Ali Mezarcıoğlu The Book of Gypsies Cinius Publishing Company)

Gypsy Population In Bulgaria Increased Twice Over 01/12/2011
Gypsy population in Bulgaria increased twice over according to statistics of Bulgarian Academy of Science about the period between 1946-2011. Gypsies, who made 2.42% of the population, made 4,9 % of the population in 2011. It is also possible that real rates could be higher beuse formal rates show Gypsies who speak Romanes or who declare themselves as Rom.

Either birth rate and sick rate-deaths among Gypsies are higher in Bulgaria according to the knowledge shared by Bulgarian Academy of Science. Increasing of Gypsy population defined as a threat by racist groups before. Racist groups who accept growing Gypsy population as a threat for themselves try to increase hostility against Gypsies instead of trying to solve social problems Gypsy community face.

There is an other side of the issue that statictics only show population of Romani speaking Gypsies. However there are various Gypsy groups living in Gypsy settlements with Roma. Common solutions have to be found for all these groups on account of the fact that they suffer from similar problems. Ignoring of non-Roma Gypsies in researches about Gypsies hide the real importance of the issue.

Source: Focus-Fen

When Gypsy Occupations Disappeared 02/12/2011
Traditonal occupations of Gypsy peoples worldwide started to be disappeared with spreading of industry. The process still continue today. Gypsy peoples who lose their traditional occupations which they subsist on for thousands of years start to subsist on new jobs with low income and unpreferable by the other sections of the societies they live in.

Pavees of Ireland whose tradional occupation is tinsmithing subsist on scrap collecting and street-trading today. They also work in asphalt paving. Reizigers of Holland and Belgium whose traditional occupation is horseshoing and knife sharping are selling cheap textile productions and secondhand cars. Rudaris of Balkans whose traditional occupation is producing tools using wood subsist on agricultural working and carpet trade today. Roma Gypsies living in Turkey whose tradional occupations were basketmaking, blacksmithing, tinsmithing started to subsist on jobs with low income like flower selling, shoeshining, construction working, porterage.

Members of peoples belong to Gypsy Universal Nation are mostly obligated to subsist on jobs with low income and unpreferable by the others. However there are also some Gypsies who take a place in society as doctors, politicians, artists, bureaucrats or scientist by the help of luck and their determination against any kind of barrier. Overcoming of prejudices targeting Gypsies will let the other Gypsies to share same destiny with the luckier ones.

Source: Ali Mezarcıoğlu Çingenelerin Kitabı Cinius Yayınları (Ali Mezarcıoğlu The Book of Gypsies Cinius Publishing Company)

Photo: Kemal Elitaş

What Does Gypsy Universal Nation Mean? 09/12/2011
The real meaning of the term Gypsy Universal Nation, used in the news published on Ç, is often being contested. The term Universal Nation means something different from both nation and ethnicity. The term Universal Nation substantially addresses the common pain and hope of Gypsy peoples who live in different parts of the world and who speak different languages.

Nation as a political term defines a group of people living in a bounded area as citizens of a state. For example, citizens living in Turkey who have rights and duties determined by the constitution are accepted as members of the Turkish nation according to the constitution. The term ethnicity defines a group of people who share the same culture, origin and often a languge. Nations can include different ethnic groups. Members of these ethnic groups have the rights and duties determined by laws of the nation they are citizens of.

The term Universal Nation differs from both nation and ethnicity. All people who made their living on typical Gypsy ways of subsistence before the spreading of industrialization due to the fact that their lands, animal stocks and forestal lands in where they hunt and gather were captured by others, generate the Gypsy Universal Nation. Peoples whose ancestors subsisted on agriculture and stock breeding before the spreading of industrialization generate the Non-Gypsy Universal Nation.

The term universal nation is not completely political. An individual who belongs to the Gypsy or Non-Gypsy Universal Nation could also be a member of a nation and citizen of a state which is dominant in the country he / she lives. Her / his citizenship rights and duties would be determined by the national laws of the state. Being a member of the Gypsy Universal Nation doesn't make a Turkish citizen with Gypsy origin different from the other Turkish citizens. A Turkish citizen with Gypsy origin has the same rights and duties as the other Turkish citizens regardless of his / her universal nation membership.

So what does being a member of Gypsy Universal Nation mean? The members of the Gypsy Universal Nation share the same pain since thousands of years. Their natural resources were captured; they were hindered to subsist on agriculture and stock breeding in various ways; they were forced to live outside of formal settlements. They were obligated to subsist on jobs with low incomes and othered by the others after industrialization through prejudices hindering them to work in regular jobs. The most important similarity of the peoples generating the Gypsy Universal Nation is the victimhood mentioned.

The members of the Gypsy Universal Nation could through mutual solidarity make up for the victimhood. The members of the Gypsy Universal Nation could demolish the universal caste system imprisoning them in poverty and the wall of prejudices if and only if they could be in solidarity with all Gypsy peoples universally. 
Source: Ali Mezarcıoğlu Çingenelerin Kitabı Cinius Yayınları (Ali Mezarcıoğlu The Book of Gypsies Cinius Publishing Company)

Bad Things Are Happening In Hungary 12/12/2011
Istvan Kamaras who is the principal consultant of Hungarian government about Roma issues declared that he left Hungary not be a part of the government policies beggaring Gypsies. Istvan Kamaras who is also a Gypsy himself said that he warned the government that unemployment, poverty and terminating of social welfare could cause bread riots.

Istvan Kamaras is the principal consultant of Zsolt Semjen, who is the president of Christian Democratic Party and the vice president, about Roma issues. His explanations prove that hard times are coming for Hungarian Gypsies. Kamaras who is also founder of an institute is known with the reports he published about Roma issues.

Kamaras who critisize the government because of their policies to terminate social welfare which could create bread riots emphasizes that he left Hungary because his criticisms have been ignored and he was forced to be silent.

Source: BBC

The Slander Brought Pain 14/12/2011
A group of people provoked with the claim of a 16-years-old Italian girl that she was raped by 2 Gypsies attacked to the Gypsy camp. It's understood that the girl made up the story to defence herself against her family after she slept with her boyfriend. However it was not possible to stop attacking of the group to the Gypsy camp. The incident shows how big the racist threat is.

The girl whose family force her to keep her virginity until she marries try to defence herself blaming Gypsies after she slept with her boyfriend. Hundreds of residents started to protest the incident when they heard the claim. 50 of them marched to the Gypsy camp and attacked it. A possible massacre was hindered by security forces hardly.

The most common instrument used by racist terrorists to provoke people against Gypsies is to blame Gypsies for each crimes even for the ones perpetrated by non-Gypsies. They are trying to grow hostility against Gypsies repeating the slander that Gypsies are responsible for each crime. In this way, racist terrorists try to create a suitable situation which could legitimize their racist terror activities. Gypsies have to explain the reality that responsibility for each crime is individual and no community could be blamed totally for the crimes perpetrated by the individuals.

Source: Guardian

He Was Killed Because Of His Name 15/12/2011
A boy originated from Indian Gypsies also known as Dalits locally was killed because he had the same name with an upper caste Hindu. The incident happened in Radhaupur village proves the atrociousness of the caste system which divides indian population to 4 seperated caste and isolates Indian Gypsies from the rest of society declaring them as untouchables.

An upper caste member J. C and a Dalit B. R. S have children with same names. J. C who can't accept chilren of an Indian Gypsy have same names with his children threatened B. R. S for many times to change his children's names. It's understood that he was serious when the death body of B. R. S' child named Neeraj found in November 23th. The incident laid bare barbarity of the caste system targeting Gypsies in India.

The Universal Caste System which divides humanity as Gypsies and non-Gypsies all over the world especially in underdeveloped countries is being lived openly and in the hardest way in India. Although India's constitution which was prepared with contributions of Dr. Ambedkar who was also a Dalit himself forbidden the caste discrimination, the incident clearly shows us that it's still alive among the society.

Source: BBC

Gypsy Doctors of The Desert: Sulubbas 19/12/2011
Sulubba Gypsies living in almost every part of the Arab world save people who lose their ways or take ill because of the hard conditions of the desert for thousands of years. They are Gypsy doctors of the desert. Sulubba Gypsies' healing mission is one of the best examples of the contributions maden by the peoples who belongs to Gypsy Universal Community to the human civilization.

Sulubba Gypsies who know very well the desert and water resources of the desert guide for Bedouin camel herders for thousands of years. Sulubba Gypsies who are also tinsmiths, musicians and hunters are being accepted as masters of folk medicine. Peoples belonging to Gypsy Universal Community have served health service demanded by non-Gypsies espacially before spreading of industry. In one sense, first doctors of humanity before establishing of modern medicine were peoples belonging to Gypsy Universal Community.

The incident lived by an Italian who lost his way in the desert prove the importance of the healing mission of Sulubba Gypsies. Carlo Guarmani fainted because of the hard conditions of the desert. When he waked up, he was in a tent of Sulubba Gypsies. He was treated by Sulubba women with their original methods. Surely, Carlo Guarmani was only one of the thousands of people who were saved by Sulubba Gypsies. However we could easily understand kindness of Sulubba Gypsies as a part of Gypsy Universal Community by means of the example.

Source: Ali Mezarcıoğlu Çingenelerin Kitabı Cinius Yayınları (Ali Mezarcıoğlu The Book of Gypsies Cinius Publishing Company)

Photo: Antroscape

The Story of Kalo and Bango: A Dom Legend 29/12/2011
A legend claimed to be told among Dom Gypsies of India englihtens one of most important periods of world Gypsies' history including Indian Gypsies. The legend in which honor and pain is being told together points at transforming of Natural Human Beings to Gypsy Universal Community as a result of capturing of their natural resources by surrounding populations.

The legend quoted by Ali Mezarcıoğlu in "The Book of Gypsies" from the web page named "Rombase" is claimed to be collected in Jullundur. Here is the legend:

"Once upon a time the Dom had their own kingdom. They had a beautiful life. They were never attacked and they never waged war because the woods, waters and God gave them everything they needed. The Dom king kept an army only so he could see what handsome young men he had in his kingdom.

Only "bamana" (Brahmans, the highest Aryan "varna" – caste) wanted to conquer all of India and therefore they even sent their generals and army of "Kshatrias" (the second highest Aryan "varna") to the jungle to find states that were still free. The soldiers did, indeed, find an independent Dom state. They invaded it, slaughtered everyone they could, and plundered all kinds of Dom property. Some Dom managed to hide in the woods; some ran far away in different directions, where we don't know; some became slaves to the Brahmans.

Two brothers, Kalo and Bango, remained alive. They were very courageous. At night they returned to their town where now the foreign victors were ruling, and they stole back what had been stolen from them: precious jewels, gold, beautiful art works, magnificent musical instruments, statues of their Holy Mother, everything they could find. They carried their treasures far into the woods and buried them in hollows. Until today, nobody knows where everything is hidden.

But once, at night, misfortune struck: Guards caught the two brothers and took them to their chief. There the brothers were interrogated as to where they had hidden the "stolen" treasures. The captors did not get one word out of the brothers. And so the new ruler had them thrown into boiling wax, and there, these two poor brothers burned and boiled to death.

But even in death the brothers didn't leave the victors in peace. They haunted them. They came every night and put terror into the hearts of the new ruler and his court. They choked them and left them with bruises. The ruler no longer knew what to expect. And so the "spirits of the dead" told him to erect a monument to them in the village of Domgau, where Dom might come by and remember their distinguished past. And it was done.

What else did the brothers Kalo and Bango say? That there will be no peace on earth until the Dom-Roma are treated with the same respect as other people."

Source: Ali Mezarcıoğlu Çingenelerin Kitabı Cinius Yayınları ( Ali Mezarcıoğlu The Book of Gypsies Cinius Publishing Company) - ROMBASE

Photo: The Alternate

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