Racist Terror Killed One Of Us Again 10/01/2012
A Gypsy woman was killed by 2 racist terrorists in the capital of Czech Republic, Prague. It's claimed that this is not the first massacre of the racists arrested that they had attacked homeless people before. The racists are members of racist terror organizations according to the information shared by homeless people who have been attacked by them before.
It's explained that the woman had been beaten calamitously before she was killed with a knife by racist terrorists. It's emphasized by witnesses that the racist terrorists, who are known with their attacks targeting homeless people, attack in groups to the ones who are unable to defend themselves.
The racist terror which turns to a greater threat in Balkans every passing day is trying to be declared as natural response of usual citizens against crime by so called scholars. This mentality which blames Gypsies for each crime committed in Balkans is at least as dangerous as racist terror.
First of all, crime is an individual issue. It's not true to blame a society for crimes committed by individuals. More importantly, the so called scholars, who show Gypsies to be responsible for racist attacks, try to hide the reality that racist terrorists are enemy of the humanity who accept Nazi ideology. Explaining racist terror with natural response of usual citizens against crime is completely same with blaming millions of people who have been massacred in concentration camps. Racist terrorists are responsible for racist terror, not anyone else.
The Lost Treasure Of Humanity: Gypsy Languages 13/01/2012
Peoples who belong to Gypsy Universal Community have spoken more than one languages for thousands of years. Gypsy peoples speak languages of non-Gypsies they live in same society. On the other hand, they also maintain their own languages. Gypsy languages which is one of the most important elements of cultural heritage of humanity is not known sufficiently.
Gypsy peoples who live in same society with non-Gypsies created Gypsy languages to communicate between eachother in thousands of years. Some of these languages completely dissappeared today. Words from lost Gypsy languages are still used in contemporary Gypsy languages. One of the lost Gypy languages is the language of Banu Sassan Gypsies of Arabian geography named Lugha. Influences of Lugha is visible on Domari of Dom Gypsies living in Middle East and Lavzi-Mugat of Mugat Gypsies living in Central Asia today.
Most of Gypsy languages could be maintained in contravention of all kinds of negative conditions. Tenet language of Inadan Gypsies living in northern Africa, Sim language of Helebi Gypsies of Egypt and Luri language of Luri Gypsies living in Iran could be maintained and still in use.
Traces of various languages existed in different geographies could be seen in Gypsy languaes as Gypsy people unit various human races among themselves. Grammatical features of Ural-Altaic languages which are widespread in Central Asia and words from mostly Persian are contained within Abdoltili language of Abdal Gypsies. Domari language of Dom Gypsies have features of either Indian and Middle Eastern languages. Romanes language of Roma Gypsies existed as an independent language containing Indian languages, Greek, Persian and Caucasian languages.
Source: Ali Mezarcıoğlu Çingenelerin Kitabı Cinius Yayınları (The Book Of Gypsies Cinius Publishing Company)
Deportation Shame Of France 16/01/2012
French government continue to perform its deportation policy which got huge reaction from international publicity last year. Hundreds of Gypsies will be deported from the country soon. Frenc government legitimize its decision with pretence of struggle against crime. However its also said that the government want to take vote from far right voters who have strong prejudices about Gypsies.
Gypsies who migrated to France from Balkans are trying to survive under hard conditions. The decision of French government blaiming Gypsies for crimes committed by individuals worry Roma Gypsies. On the other hand, most of Roma Gypsies who had been deported last year have already turned to France on account of the fact that It's no more possible for them to live in their ex-country.
The issue have to be discussed from two different perspectives. First of all, it's surely a great mistake that French government blaim all Gypsies for crimes committed by individuals or gangs who are organized by individuals. It could easily be seen that there is an open similarity between mentality of French government and standpoint of racist terrorists killing Gypsies with pretence of so-called struggle against crime. On the other hand, it's also a problem that Roma Gypsies are obligated to leave their ancestral countries and move to the western countries. Because Roma Gypsies who migrated from Balkans also have real problems when they come to the western countries.
We have to discuss about the conditions forcing Gypsies to leave Balkans besides critising the decision of French government. Those are the most important reasons for Roma Gypsies to leave Balkans that it's getting more and more harder to subsist in Balkans and racist terrorists try to intimidate and force Roma Gypsies to migrate with terrorist attacks targeting innocent people. It looks openly more logical for governments of western countries to be much more sensible about racist terror and prejudices, which imprison Gypsies into extreme poverty, targeting Gypsies in Balkans instead of racist deportation policies if they want to stop uncontrolled migration of Roma Gypsies from Balkans to their countries.
Source: BBC
Hungary Is On A Very Dangerous Way 18/01/2012
An instruction was sent to Hungarian Police Department by the Chief Of National Police. It's commanded to police officials to pay special attention to minorities in their work, referring to the notion, ethnic criminality. Peril of the situation could be understood when we consider the term ethnic criminality have been used to blame all Gypsies for crimes committed by individuals.
Correlating crime with ethnicity will cause Gypsies living in Hungary to be targeted tacitly. Because racist political organizations have declared Gypsies to be responsible for each crime committed in Hungary for a long time. Many scholars said that the instruction will cause police officials to be biased to Gypsy citizens.
Declaring Gypsies as a treat to security forces altough no real solution haven't found yet against racist terror targeting Gypsies disquit sensible publicity about the issues. Most of the people except racist ones agree with the idea that the situation in the country is getting worse.
Source: Romediafoundation
Here Is The Universal Caste System: Boundless Injustice 20/01/2012
Ali Mezarcıoğlu explains inhuman treatment Gypsies face in different places of the world in his book named "The Book of Gypsies". The realities Ali Mezarcıoğlu explains show The Universal Caste System's true colours which divide humanity as Gypsies and non-Gypsies and Gypsies are the victims of similar kind of injustices all over the world.
The Universal Caste System which divides humanity as Gypsies and non-Gypsies have existed with being obligated of ancestors of contemporary Gypsy peoples to subsist on Gypsy Ways of Subsistence when their agricultural lands, herds and forestal lands in where they had hunted and gathered were captured. Today, we live in a different world. However, injustices related with the Universal Caste System are still being lived. Here are the some examples of these injustices:
Gypsies (Midgan) are forbidden to have agricultural lands and herds in Somali. They are only allowed to subsist on traditional Gypsy occupations. This rule is common in many parts of Africa. Gypsies (Neeno) are being hindered to be have agricultural lands in the Wolof society of Sahel although slaves also have the right to have agricultural lands there.
Gypsies are being hindered in Bangladesh to live in anywhere except the area given to them to live in. In many places, even cemetaries of Gypsies and non-Gypsies are being seperated. Hindu non-Gypsies don't let Gypsies to come closer to their house even it's a compulsory case. Non-Gypsies don't accept to eat from same plate which Gypsies (Twa) ate from before even they are washed in Rwanda. This is why whiteware are seperated as for Gypsies and non-Gypsies. Non-Gypsies don't eat and don't drink water from hands of Gypsies (Kani) in Nepal.Gypsies are forbidden to enter houses of non-Gypsies.
It's really a difficult case that Gypsies marry with non-Gypsies in many places of the world. It's accepted as a big sin to marry with Gypsies (Thwa) in Angola. A discusting superstition which we can see in other parts of the world is also common in Angola. It's a common belief among non-Gypsies that a person who has a sexual relation with a Gypsy will be dirty and it's needed to start some religional rituels to be clean again.
These examples of injustices related with the Universal Caste System Ali Mezarcıoğlu explained in his book are the worst cases. However, there is nowhere in the world in where all of these injustices are completely dissappeared and alienage between Gypsies and non-Gypsies turned to brotherhood. This will be possible when all all damages of injustices arising from the Universal Caste System are compensated and prejudices targeting Gypsies are overcomed.
Source: Ali Mezarcıoğlu Çingenelerin Kitabı Cinius Yayınları (The Book of Gypsies Cinius Publishing Company)
Statement From International Romani Union 23/01/2012
President of International Romani Union Florin Cioaba made a press statement about rasing racism targeting Gypsies and discriminative policies all over the Europe. Roma foundations who don't endeavor to stop these incidents are being criticized and it's also emphasized that it's a big shame that most of Roma don't have their fundemantal rights in the statement. Cioaba point at the importance of incorporating of Roma foundations leaving aside their personal conflicts against the incidents in Europe.
The statement of Cioaba is maden at the right time. Because anti-ziganism ramped in Balkans and Western Europe. However, there are some issues have to be discussed in the statement of Cioaba.
First of all, anti-ziganism in Europe doesn't target only Roma Gypsies. Non-Roma Gypsies like Yenische, Pavee, Egiptians, Ashkali, Ustas and the others are also victims of the incidents happening in Europe. A real solution against racism and discriminative policies could be created with coordination of all Gypsy groups regardless of their motherland or language. It's a great danger that Gypsies are decomposing although racist parties are uniting all over the Europe.
On the other hand, it has to be criticized that Cioaba doesn't use the term racist terror to define racist attacks targeting Gypsies. These attacks are clearly well-planned terrorist activies targeting Gypsies rather than an automatically reaction. Problem defining truly is the first step to reach the solution under any kind of circumstances.
Source: www.internationalromaniunion.org
30 Gypsy Houses Were Fired 26/01/2012
Member of upper castes fired 30 houses in where Gypsy families live in Bolangir, India. Almost 50 attackers blocked the roads to prevent enter of fire engines at the time of incident which started after a clash between upper caste members and two young Gypsy. Violence targeting Gypsies continues in India in where the universal caste system is still alive in the worst way.
The fight between a group of upper cast members who claim a poor Gypsy child to steal a tshirt from a store and 2 young Gypsy trying to save the child from upper cast members turned to a social conflict. 50 attackers who fired 30 Gypsy houses also damaged fire engines. 40 people were arrested by police after the incident and victim families were settled to a temporary camp in where they could be saved from new attacks.
The universal caste system which divide humanity as Gypsies and non-Gypsies is being implemented in the worst way in India. The biggest victims of the caste system which is stil alive altough it's forbidden with the Indian Constitution are Indian Gypsies who are known as Dalit locally.
Kaynak: IBN Live
Who Are Gadje 27/01/2012
It's a common situation that non-Gypsy authors made comments about Gypsies in their books. On the other hand, the first book which explains Gadje identity and Gadje history from the eyes of Gypsies is "The book of Gypsies". "The Book of Gypsies" written by Ali Mezarcıoğlu approach Gadje identity and Gadje history from a different standpoint.
Gadje are also descendants of natural human beings like everybody. So in reality Gadje and Gypsies are relatives. Ancestors of Gadje who overflow forestal lands, in where they live together with other natural human beings and subsist on hunting and gathering, because of population growth and natural causes were obligated to find new ways of subsistence. Then they created a new life style different from the life style of natural human beings when they started to subsist on herding and agriculture.
There are 3 branch of Gadje according to "The Book of Gypsies". First and second branches are agricultural Gadje and herder Gadje. They preferred one of these subsistence ways correlatively environmental conditions of the places in where they live. The third branch is warrior Gadje. There is an alienage between Gypsies and agricultural-herder Gadje. However, warrior Gadje are the ones who have most terrible prejudices about Gypsies.
The ancestors of the warrior Gadje, farmers and herders, faced full scale droughts. These droughts made survival difficult. Then these farmers and herders found a new means of subsitance, plunder. Thus the farmer and herder Gadje evolved into the warrior Gadje. Thru plunder and the veneration of war, the warrior Gadje was able to survive. In the process of survival the warrior Gadje humiliated the peaceful culture of the Gypsies. And in each place the warrior Gadje was dominant, they declared the Gypsies a cursed community.
Traditional occupations of Gadje dissappeared with growing of industry but superstitions and prejudices created by primarily warrior Gadje maintained.
Kaynak: Ali Mezarcıoğlu Çingenelerin Kitabı Cinius Yayınları (Ali Mezarcıoğlu The Book Of Gypsies Cinius Publishing Company)
Statue of Dr. Ambedkar Will Be Shifted 01/02/2012
The moving of Dr. Ambedkar's statue in Bangalore's metro construction work zone recently caused eyebrows to raise. Various organizations condemning the decision to move the statue reminded the public of the great importance of Dr. Ambedkar to Indian Gypsies (Dalit). Dr. Ambedkar, who made notable contributions in the preparation of India's constitution, is at the top of the list of those considered highly respected, throughout the Gypsy world.
The decision to shift the statue, of Dr. Ambedkar, who is one of the best known intellectuals among Indian Gypsies, caused public indignation in Bangalore. Foundations representing Gypsies marched from the statue of Mahatma Gandi on MG road to Roj Bahava to protest the decision.
Dr. Ambedkar, one of the earliest representatives of Indian Gypsies, locally known as Dalits, is also a national hero throughout India. Dr. Ambedkar who was born to a Gypsy family, in 1891, is known as a Bahasaheb among Indian Gypsies. Not only Gypsies but millions of Indians, from different castes, respect Dr. Ambedkar. The Dr. Ambedkar devoted his life to the struggle against the local practice of the Universal Caste System in India.
Source: The Times Of India
Terrible Trap Of The Racists: The Project Of Roma State 03/02/2012
Czech presidential candidate said that the final solution of Roma problem is to establish a Roma state. Before, the terrorist Breivik who slaughtered 90 people rascally demanded establishing of a Roma state in Eastern Anatolia. Why the racists who are the worst enemies of Gypsies want a Roma state to be established? What is the real purpose of them?
Racist terrorist never support a project which is on Gypsies' side in no circumstances. So why do they propound the idea of establishing a Roma state which looks to be on Roma side at first blush? It wasn't a secret that some people were discussing about the project behind closed doors. Recently, the project has became more visible in detail. The racist terrorist Breivik published a text on internet in the day he killed 90 innocent people in Norway. The idea of establishing of a Roma state in Eastern Anatolia was being defended in the text which is full of nonsense.
Breivik's idea of establishing of a Roma state in Eastern Anatolia depends on Turkey to be seperated completely. It's an important detail that the terrorist Breivik want to establish the Roma state in Eastern Anatolia in where there is only a few Roma Gypsies instead of establishing it in Balkans in where there is a huge crowded population of Roma Gypsies. The real purpose here is clearly to deport all Roma Gypsies from West Europe and Balkans. So the racist terrorists want Gypsies who live in West Europe, Balkans, Aegean and Thracia to be deterritorialized completely. Thus, they would be able to clean the Fascist Europe, they want to create in future, from us!
The racist terrorist Breivik uses a very careful language when he mention about the Roma state in the terrorist manifesto. It's understood that he hopes to find some willing Roma and force them to declare the trap project of Roma state.Thus they will able to keep their real purposes behind the ambition of the so called Roma entellectuals. The racist terror killing our brothers and sisters day by day purposed to intimidate Gypsies and to convince them to leave the countries they live today. Then it will be much more easier establishing of the so called Roma state.
Some people believe that the terrorist manifesto is raving. However, there is common feelings of the racists going from strength to strength in Europe behind the text. In as much as the racists unite against Gypsies, Gypsies have to unite to stop the racist trap which is declared as a Roma state to publicity and to live in their countries as free and equal citizens.
Source: Cingeneyiz International
An Other Hungarian Gypsy Left The Country 02/08/2012
It's claimed that Victoria Mohacsi who worked as ministerial commissioner and was delegated to the European Parliament by the government left Hungaria and emigrated to Canada. Previously Istvan Kamaras who was the chief advisor of the Government about Roma issues declared that he left the country not to be a part of government policies beggaring Gypsies.
It's said that Victoria Mohacsi applied for political asylum in Canada. Victoria Mohacsi who applied for police protection in 2009 were receiving serious threats. Leaving of Mohacsi after Istvan Kamaras worry sensible publicity primarily Gypsies.
Politicians with Gypsy origin could leave the country to protect themselves against raising of racist terror and anti-ziganism. However hundred of thousands poor Gypsies don't have any chance like this. They expect Gypsy entellectuals to stay in the country to struggle for improving their life conditions instead of leaving the country.
Source: Nepszabadsag
"Just The Wind" Reveals Racist Terror 02/16/2012
The movie named "Just The Wind" which is a Hungarian, German and French co production is about a family massacred by racist terrorists. The movie in which amateur Gypsy actors performed was inspired by racist terror attacks happened in Hungary. Bence Fliegauf's movie "Just The Wind" is in competition at the Berlin Film Festival this year.
About %45 of The budget of "Just The Wind", which depicts the life of a Gypsy family ending with their being massacred by racist terrorists, came from Hungarian sources. "I hope this film will be seen as a sign that Hungary is ready to confront these issues instead of just sweeping them under the carpet," said Zoltan Balog, head of the State Secretariat for Social Inclusion about the movie. Andras Muhi who is one of producers of the movie said that Bence Fliegauf spent 6 months travelling around the country to visit Gypsy settlements.
Adapting of racist terror attacks targeting Gypsies into a movie is welcomed by publicity primarily Gypsies. It's underlined that new movies about the issue will make a clear contribution to bring up racist terror attacks to the agenda.
"Just The Wind" Won Amnesty Film Prize 21/02/2012
The movie named "Just The Wind" which focuses on racist terror attacks targeting Gypsies in Hungary won Amnesty Prize (6500 $) backed by Amnesty International. It's said that the movie is granted the award on account of the fact that "the film shows, in an artistic way, the horrific situation of the Roma in Hungary." in the statement of the jury explaining their decision.
The prize sponsored by Amnesty International to encourage directors to make new films about human right issues is given to Bence Fligauf's movie "Just The Wind" this year in Berlin Film Festival. Focusing of the movie on racist terror attacks which is one of the worst problems of Balkan Gypsies differentiate it comparing to other movies which were about Gypsies.
The budget of the movie "Just The Wind" was financed by mostly Hungarian sources. This indicates that most of hungarian people are not supporting racist terror and share Gypsies' pain.
Source: Holywood Reporter
Gypsy Victims Of Racist Terror Will Be Remembered All Over The Europe 22/02/2012
Some activities will be done to remember the Gypsy victims of racist terror attacks happened in Hungary between 2008-2009 with a common slogan "Remember Them" in different places of the Europe. It's being planned to attract publicity's attention to the racist terror targeting Gypsies with the activities planned to be done in February 23th, Thurday.
Racist terrorist attacked to the house of a Gypsy family in Tatarzszentgyörgy village of Hungary in 2009, February 23th. The father and his son 5 years old lost his in the terrible incident. Foundations representing Gypsies will organize some activities all over the Europe in February 23th, Thursday, to remember the victims of the incidents similar to the case we mention above. The remembering activities planned to be done mostly in front of Hungarian consulates purposes to show reaction of sensible publicity against racist terror.
The activities planned to be done in February 23th in different places of the Europe will be the first common activity of Gypsies protesting racist terror attacks.
Source: Invitation Statement Of The Activity "Remember Them"
An Islamic Cemetery Was Attacked In Komotini 02/24/2012
Eleven gravestone's were destroyed by unidentified person or persons in a Moslem Cemetery in Komotini. Apparently the cemetery is used by people living in the Poşpoş and Kalkanca Neighborhoods, including Gypsies. The cemetery has been attacked 2 times prior to this recent incident. This last incident worries the Moslem minority in the Poşpoş and Kalkanca neighborhoods of Komotini.
Pasok Ahmet Haciosman, the President of Turkish Minority of Western Thrace Council and Parliamentarian from Rodop spoke regarding this issue, "We hope that those who are responsible for attacking this peaceful region, are found quickly." The president of Kalkanca Culture Association claimed the cemetery is not protected sufficiently and are asking the Gümülcine Mufti to make provision against the attacks.
Racist groups started to attack citizens from different religions as well as the symbols of different religions in recent years. Racist groups attacked the Banyabaşı Mosque in Sofia Bulgaria in 2011, May. The last attack targeting an Islamic cemetery in Komotini proved the suspicion that racist groups who have previously attacked primarily Gypsies will target other ethnic and regional minorities besides Gypsies.
Source: AA
The Horrible Threat: Racists Are Uniting 02/29/2012
Racist terrorist groups who kill people just because they are Gypsy tend to unite in the context of Islamophobia. The most dangerous racist groups of Europe will meet in Denmark next month to establish a racist unity targeting muslims all around the Europe. The incident worried sensible publicity of the Europe and anti-racist groups.
It's said that a racist unity, which will be organized all around the Europe, will be established in the meeting in which racist groups from the countries like Denmark, Sweden, USA, Poland, Italy and Finland will be participants. Anti-racist activists underline the reality that the unity could organize racist terror activities and racist political parties. The spokesman of an anti-racist organization named Unite Against Fascism Weyman Bennett said that the unity will be a terrible threat and the racist terrorist Breivik who killed 80 innocent people in Norway had been motivated by one of the racist groups which will be a part of the unity.
Racist terrorists who targeted Gypsies before started to attack muslims and people who have different political views. Uniting of racist terror organizations all over the Europe force Gypsies, Muslims and people having different polical views to be in solidarity against racist terror.
Source: The Independent
The Eurovision Reflects Multi-Culturalism This Year 03/05/2012
Sofi Marinova with Gypsy origin will represent Bulgaria in the Eurovision Song Contest in where Turkey will be represented by Can Bonomo from İzmir. There are Romanes and Turkish sententes in the song of Marinova besides words from various world languages. The Turkish words in the song of Marinova named "unlimited love" show the relations between Turkey and Balkan Gypsies.
12 songs selected by Bulgarian Eurovision Academy which had been appointed by Bulgarian National Television were held a referandum. The song of Sofi Marinova named "Unlimited love" was considered worthy for representing Bulgaria in the Eurovision after the election which was done with GSM messages. It's such an important situation that Bulgaria will be represented by a Gypsy girl especially on these days that racist terror targeting Gypsies is spreading all over the Balkans.
Turkish language is common among Gypsies in Bulgaria similar to other Balkan countries. Many Gypsy musician have songs including Turkish words which are so popular in their countries. Existing of Turkish words in the song of Sofi Marinova named "Unlimited Love" proves the cultural richness of Balkans
The Photos Witnesses Extreme Poverty 03/14/2012
18 Gypsy family, whose houses in the centre of Constanta was evicted in 2000, live in slums, which they built with limited possibilities they have, under hard live conditions. Photos of these families taken by photographer Bogdan Chesaru show the results of forced evictions that many Gypsy families in Romania face without hiding anything.
It's said that 80 percentage of Gypsies are living below the poverty line in Romania in where close to 2,5 million Gypsies live. Gypsies living in the country have problems about the issues like housing, health or education. They also face the threat of racist groups. Forced evictions are among the most important problems of Romanian Gypsies. Evictions without offering housing alternatives make worse the poverty of Gypsy families.
The photos of Bogdan Chesaru mirror the terrible poverty to where Gypsies are being dragged by forced evictions. It's possible to see all details of the hard life of the Gypsy families in the photos of the artist who focused on different issues before.
The Conference: The Roma Between Past and Future 03/20/2012
There will be an important conference which is a particular concern to all European Gypsies primarily Roma in Amsterdam in 2012 May. Genocide policies Gypsies faced in the period of the second world war will be compared with the contemporary threat targeting Gypsies in the conference named "The Roma Between Past and Future".
The conference named "The Roma Between Past and Future", in where Current threats like rising of anti-ziganist racist movements or deportation policies all over the Europe will be compared with open massacre policies existed between 1930-1940, will be done in the capital of the Netherland, Amsterdam in 2012 May 2th. It's underlined in the invitation of the conference that creating of a platform for Roma, Sinti, scholars, politician, advocators to discuss the topics is being aimed.
Roma participants from Hungary, Netherland and Czech Republic will explain their evaluations about the contemporary situation in their countries and a Dutch Sinto who has survived the war will share his experiments with the audiences in the conference. The ones who want to participate the conference have to register until April 1th.
For more information: http://www.requiemforauschwitz.eu/conference.html
The Vocational Course For Roma Gypsies In Erenler 03/22/2012
A vocational course for Roma Gypsies in Erenler district of Sakarya will be opened as a result of cooperation of Erenler Municipality, Turkish Emploment Center and Erenler Public Education Center. The vocational course which will be open to the Roma women between 18-30 years old will take 60 days and trainees will be educated about textile machines.
Trainees will be paid 15 liras ($ 8) in the course. The project, which is prepared to overcome barriers that Roma Gypsies face in the private sector employment, was introduced to the Roma women in the introductory meeting by the director of Erenler Public Education Center, Abdülvahit Uygar: "We empty our classes for you. This project is special to you. We prepared it for you to have a specialization. We believe you. You will be successfull soon."
Rate of employment in textile sector of Roma Gypsies is rising day by day primarily in metropolitan cities. It's underlined that the Roma Gypsies who are educated in vocational coursed will have much more opportunity to be employed in the sector in which there is too much competition.
Source: News Sakarya
Racism and Xenophobia Will Be Protested In April 8 03/24/2012
Racist and xenophobic movements targeting Gypsy groups will be protested in April 8 activities organized by Travellers Solidarity Network this year. April 8 is being celebrated as the world Roma day each year according to the decision maden in the First Roma Congress. The activities of this year will be remembered as a global protest against racism.
It's explained in the decleration of Travellers Solidarity Network that "The far-right is openly using violence to destroy Romani communities across Europe, while rightwing governments criminalise their cultures.". Vice-presindent of International Romani Union, Florin Cioba, explained their decision that they also support the idea that April 8 have to be a day for protest against discrimination and xenophobia all around the world.
Participants will march to the embasies of the countries who are being claimed to abuse the right of Roma Gypsies in the activity organized by Travellers Solidarity Network for April 8.
For more information: http://travellersolidarity.org/traveller-solidarity-tour/
The Romani Elders Will Never Be Forgotten 03/30/2012
The European Roma Cultural Foundation started an initiative named "The Romani Elders" with the purpose of informing new generations about the achievements of the Romani elders who spent their life for the solution of the problems of Roma Gypsies. The foundation wants the Romani elders to be role models for the generations of European Roma.
The European Roma Cultural Foundation is a non-profit independent organization. The founders of the foundation which was established in Budapest in 2010 accepts Romani art and culture as way of fighting against stereotypes and prejudices targeting Roma. There is biographies and achievements of the Romani elders in the web page of the initiative.
Here is the Romani elders whose biographies published in the web page:
Agnes Daroczi-Hungarian Roma, entellectual and activist.
Ceija Stojka-Austrian Roma, writer, painter, musician; survivor of the Holocaust.
Nicolae Georghe-Romanian Roma, sociolog, activist.
Hans Caldaras-Sweden Roma, artist and activist.
Romani Rose-Sinti, borned in Germany, activist.
Rosa Taikon-Sweden Roma, silversmith, activist.
Sandra Jayat-French Roma, artist.
Zoni Weizs-Actisit, Roma survivor of the Holocaust.
For more detail: http://www.theromanielders.org/
The World Roma Congress Gathered 04/26/2012
The World Roma Congress gathered in Belgrad with participation of delegates from 25 countries in 2012, April 20-21-22. Spokesmen pointed out the raising racism as the biggest threat targeting Roma of the Europe in the congress in where president of Kuştepe Roma Flower Sellers Association Metin Salih Şentürk and Roma entellectual Bülent Filyas were Turkey delegates.
The World Roma Congress was organized by the World Roma Organization-Rromanipen. There were participants from Albania, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Czech Republic , France, Croatia, India, Italy, Israel, Lithuania, Hungary, Macedonia, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom and the other world countries in the congress.
The general secretarial of the World Roma Organization Bajram Halidi and the president of the World Roma Organization Jovan Damjanovic spoke in the first day of the congress. Delegates from different world countries gave speeches in the second day. The spokesman explained the problems of Roma in their own countries and point out the importance of raising of racism targeting Roma all over the Europe.
The delegates determined to establish some new organizations in each country to represent better Roma population in the congress. Some delegates were charged for this mission. It's also decided in the congress that a new meeting will be done in the coming days in an other country. The World Roma Congress have caused excitement among sensible publicity against racism all over the Europe. Grattan Puxon who made important contributions to the organizing of the First World Roma Congress in 1971 sent a letter to the congress and declared The World Roma Congress as an important step against the raising racisim.
Source: Cingeneyiz International
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